[SOFTWARE] Eve Guru! A best in breed manufacturing planning tool!

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EVE GURU Discord
Youtube Demo
The OZ | EVE GURU Demo on Twitch

Ray Zolo and I are happy to introduce EVE Guru, a manufacturing planner that reduces your planning time, highlights the most profitable items to build based on JITA demand, and creates dynamic shopping lists based on the quantities and items you want to build!

Our goal is to get all manufacturers out of excel. Eve Guru’s first focus is optimizing your isk so you can increase your profits. Knowing what to build, and how much to build goes a long way towards that goal.

All other modules in Eve Guru is a work in progress. We intend to build the ‘everything’ tool. Our first focus is polishing the Industry Calculator. Join our discord today and give us feedback on whatever EVE activity you feel would create the most value for you!

We have big plans: Profit tracking, trading calculator for both stations and regional, corporation asset manager, and much more!

Eve Guru is free for 30 days, with complete access. Then a monthly subscription of 200m isk/month to fund future development.

Come join us and lets take the difficulty out of planning!

Available on Windows and Linux (Mac support is in the works)

  • Join the discord to get the Linux download files in the “get-eveguru” channel

EVEGuru is a wonderful product created by a special friend I met through EVE University and I sincerely encourage any budding or experienced industrialists to give it a look and offer feedback


you are missing reaction facility too :frowning: seems for the rest nice

We have it! Select Reactions, A low sec system, enter your station bonuses and search under ‘BPCs’. You can find all the reactions there.

Thank you OZ for allowing us to demo EVE GURU to your viewers! Here is the link for those who would like to watch (demo starts at the 17 minute mark)



2 weeks and over 100 in discord! Come check us out!

Personally I am a little taken aback by the portion of the discussion on the price (+possible changes) and what will happen should the developer(s) move on.

Call me paranoid but after 30 years in the IT business I would like clear and concise commitments and pricing. While the tool looks like it would certainly offer benefit let’s not forget it is not even a month old at this point.

As such I would ask that you hammer out those details while tempering your enthusiasm with the realization that this will require a fair bit of effort going forward. Maybe even take a few months to a year to get a good grip on what is involved in maintaining it (including in the long run, i.e. with eve expansions, updates etc). After that come up with a realistic ‘price’ and continuity policy and hard commit to it.


Microsoft Defender SmartScreen gives me a notification thats this is a unknown publisher?

same here

MS Defender removes the file for me :

Any 3rd party downloadable tool gives the same warnings. I went ahead and made an edit to the main post.

The good news is that Ray is a software dev working at Microsoft. Microsoft has confirmed that the download does not contain anything malicious. Any malicious warnings are false positives. If you have any concerns, please join our discord.

Mac need not apply. LOL

lol we have a few linux guys trying to make it work (getting closer).

Some of these issues may have been noticed already but just listing a few just in case.

It doesnt factor in the skills required and the material cost to produce bpcs from a t2 bpo nor bpcs from a t1 bpo. Also, there doesn’t seem to be a section to add a price value to the bpc as the user may have purchased the bpc from another player which will then leave that user with a calculation to consider his/her overall profit.

I have another issue that I noticed in the application, when I set the ‘Min Trade Vol’ to 500 in advanced filters and clicked update, it produced a list of items with the minimum demand was 25 instead of 500.

Some of the users may want to do a 30 day build of one of the items but there is no warning system implemented to notify the users that they have exceeded that time limit. It might be a good idea to add in the industry implants too as they not only change the build times but also research times too.

There are two things I wouldn’t mind seeing added to the interface if possible. Firstly, obviously the sell margins are being considered but it might also be a good idea to include a section to the buy orders. Some users may be short of funds and may need to consider selling to them so checking on them without having to travel to the trade hubs would help. The last thing I personally would like to see is an option to identify engineering complexes with the option to filter them by rigs. I know you can list them outside of the game but not sure if its possible to filter them. However, there may be some issues regarding that due to it being easier to spot the ones with rigs.

If we step away for any reason, we will make the tool open source.

Hi, thank you for your detailed comment. Please allow me to address your concerns one at a time:

  • We do not factor in t2 bpos because they are very rare. We assume all t2 items are built from BPCs
  • We do factor in t1 BPC costs from BPOs - just click the ‘build from BPC’ button in the Cost tree section
  • I checked the minimum filter and it appears to work when typing in 500. Please make sure you checked the box. Feel free to put in a bug ticket in our discord.
  • You bring up a good point about implants - we will look into that.
  • There is a duration column that details how long your batches take to manufacture. That ought to help you maintain your 30 day targets
  • We do have a market orders analyzer you can use to track the status of your orders. Feel free to reach out on discord and we will show you.

Our roadmap currently is focused on the “first 5 minute” experience, profit tracking, and the trade module. More details can be found in our discord. Thanks for the comment!

Hi Gabriella and Jedir,
Windows gives this warning to all software you download from the internet, when the software have not been signed with a certificate from a well-known Root CA (Certificate Authority). It is a security precaution to help you stay safe. But it does not mean that all unsigned software is malware. It is up to you as a user to make a judgement call when Windows gives you this warning.

EveGuru has not been signed with a certificate issued by a well-known Root CA because that costs real money, and is only valid for a limited time (a year or two) before you have to purchase a new certificate. EveGuru, although we offer Isk based subscriptions, is not a real money business. This is a hobby project for a game, just like any other 3rd party tool made for the game. We take take our hobby seriously though, and we hope that we can earn trust over time as we show our passion to maintain and further develop EveGuru, and our dedication to our users.

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Hi violator2k5,

you bring up good points. Support for implant bonuses for manufacturing and research is very high on our list. As we already have full support for using your characters actual skills, standings, and attributes when calculating job costs, durations, taxes and fees, we will add support for implant bonuses very soon.

We should already have support for T2 BPOs when calculating T2 jobs, but it is hard for me to test, since those are rare and have not been sold from NPC corporations, or dropped by CCP for many years. Eveguru do not consider T2 BPOs when you browse for Unowned Blueprints in the calculator but it should take them into account when you browse your owned blueprints. If the calculator do not treat T2 BPOs as expected, please file a bug report, it has been hard for me to test T2 bpos since I don’t own any of them myself.

EveGuru’s Industry Calculator do take blueprint limitations into account when making BPCs. We are aware of the 30-day rule when it comes to continuous manufacturing runs. We will add support for the 30-day rule very soon, and we apologize for not hitting all the marks on day one.

Regarding the 500 day min trade volume produced a list of items with 25 instead of 500, I have not been able to reproduce this case. I would appreciate if you can file a bug-report with reproduction steps so I can reproduce and fix any bugs related to this scenario.

Calculations of margins when selling to buy orders is already supported in two places in the industry calculator. First of all you can select Jita Buy as sell price in the top panel options. Secondly when you click on a manufacturing item, we show you buy and sell order margins from
all the major trade hubs in the bottom right market price panel.

We will add support for manufacturing profiles soon. With manufacturing profiles there you will be able register facilities and rigs, and also assign which item categories and industry activities you prefer to build in each facility. We plan to support doing the same with your characters so you can chose which character you prefer to be the manufacturer or researcher, etc, and for different item categories and facilities, or even dedicated trading toons. As an extension to this we also plan to take job slots into consideration. This will be added to EveGuru in with our Industry Resource Planning expansion, together with a production ledger.

Firstly, no need to apologise over the 30 day rule. I was just commenting on it just in case it was overlooked. Just to show I wasn’t yanking your chain with the problem I mentioned previously about the demand function not working as intended when asking to see the output for items that have a demand of 500 or more. demand+settings
However, the most recent update seems to have resolved that issue and provides the correct output now.

I don’t think there are no issues with the T2 bpo data themselves, its more when factoring in the cost of the bpc’s produced from them as part of the expenditure as some owners prefer to run off bpc’s to either to sell to others or to build from instead of taking their bpo in to one of the engineering complexes. To give you an example, production of a bpc requires from 10 to 200 data sheets and 1 to 15 R.Db research tools to produce a 1 run bpc for ships or 10 run bpc for mods besides the isk. Those bpc’s are from old invention btw, just like this one.

This is outside of invention so I don’t know if you’ll use this information or not but we have the following;

T2 drones need 10 to 30 data sheets and 1 R.Db research tools to produce a 10 run bpc (mining 10, lights 10, meds 20, heavies 30)
T2 mining crystals need 4 to 25 data sheets and 2 different R.Db research tools to produce a 10 run bpc (Coherent 9, Complex 21, Mercoxit 25, Simple 4, Variegated 15)
T2 crystal, hybrid and projectile ammo need 1 R.Db research tool to produce a 10 run bpc

T2 missiles - all types
rockets need 6 data sheets and 1 R.Db research tool to produce a 10 run bpc
light missiles need 6 data sheets and 1 R.Db research tool to produce a 10 run bpc
heavy assault missiles need 10 data sheets and 1 R.Db research tool to produce a 10 run bpc
heavy missiles need 15 data sheets and 1 R.Db research tool to produce a 10 run bpc
cruise missiles need 20 data sheets and 1 R.Db research tool to produce a 10 run bpc
Torpedo’s need 25 data sheets and 1 R.Db research tool to produce a 10 run bpc

To show you what I mean, take a look at this cost breakdown, while it does give information about the cost value of the bpc job, it does not include the cost of the research tools and data sheets and could possibly appear similar to the datacores in this image. That ship requires 6 R.Db - Core Complexion and 90 data sheets per 1 run bpc created.

I understand what you mean about the T2 bpo’s not being easy to test due to the lack of supply. However, even though you can’t get your hands on one, there is still a way to obtain information. You can do so by typing the name of the item you want the information on in game chat followed by blueprint and selecting all of that text. Then right click it and select the option ‘Auto Link’ followed by ‘Item Type’ then click ok. That can provide you with the information to double check your material numbers on a 0/0 bpo link plus copy items required and manufacturing/copying times. That’s if you want to of course, I know you’ll probably be busy with updating bugs and ensuring what you planned will come to fruition.

Thanks for the detailed explanation of making copies from T2 BPOs :slight_smile:
I will definitively add this to EveGuru going forward (even if it is only of practical value for the few lucky people who happens to own a T2 BPO) :blush: