Firstly, no need to apologise over the 30 day rule. I was just commenting on it just in case it was overlooked. Just to show I wasn’t yanking your chain with the problem I mentioned previously about the demand function not working as intended when asking to see the output for items that have a demand of 500 or more. demand+settings
However, the most recent update seems to have resolved that issue and provides the correct output now.
I don’t think there are no issues with the T2 bpo data themselves, its more when factoring in the cost of the bpc’s produced from them as part of the expenditure as some owners prefer to run off bpc’s to either to sell to others or to build from instead of taking their bpo in to one of the engineering complexes. To give you an example, production of a bpc requires from 10 to 200 data sheets and 1 to 15 R.Db research tools to produce a 1 run bpc for ships or 10 run bpc for mods besides the isk. Those bpc’s are from old invention btw, just like this one.
This is outside of invention so I don’t know if you’ll use this information or not but we have the following;
T2 drones need 10 to 30 data sheets and 1 R.Db research tools to produce a 10 run bpc (mining 10, lights 10, meds 20, heavies 30)
T2 mining crystals need 4 to 25 data sheets and 2 different R.Db research tools to produce a 10 run bpc (Coherent 9, Complex 21, Mercoxit 25, Simple 4, Variegated 15)
T2 crystal, hybrid and projectile ammo need 1 R.Db research tool to produce a 10 run bpc
T2 missiles - all types
rockets need 6 data sheets and 1 R.Db research tool to produce a 10 run bpc
light missiles need 6 data sheets and 1 R.Db research tool to produce a 10 run bpc
heavy assault missiles need 10 data sheets and 1 R.Db research tool to produce a 10 run bpc
heavy missiles need 15 data sheets and 1 R.Db research tool to produce a 10 run bpc
cruise missiles need 20 data sheets and 1 R.Db research tool to produce a 10 run bpc
Torpedo’s need 25 data sheets and 1 R.Db research tool to produce a 10 run bpc
To show you what I mean, take a look at this cost breakdown, while it does give information about the cost value of the bpc job, it does not include the cost of the research tools and data sheets and could possibly appear similar to the datacores in this image. That ship requires 6 R.Db - Core Complexion and 90 data sheets per 1 run bpc created.
I understand what you mean about the T2 bpo’s not being easy to test due to the lack of supply. However, even though you can’t get your hands on one, there is still a way to obtain information. You can do so by typing the name of the item you want the information on in game chat followed by blueprint and selecting all of that text. Then right click it and select the option ‘Auto Link’ followed by ‘Item Type’ then click ok. That can provide you with the information to double check your material numbers on a 0/0 bpo link plus copy items required and manufacturing/copying times. That’s if you want to of course, I know you’ll probably be busy with updating bugs and ensuring what you planned will come to fruition.