SOLD - 55M SP Orca/Indu Char - JF and Rorqual ready

o7 together !
I have multiple accounts and i dont want multiple anymore. So in first place i´ll sell this Boost/Freight Char. He has 55M SP - nearly 56, u can see it in the links. I hope everything works, because it´s the first time i sell a char in here and im completely new to it.

!!! Alpha Clone Status at the moment !!!

He can fly Orca with full max Boost with Mining Foreman Mindlink Imp, is quite good in salvaging, is on the way to maxed out JF Skills (JF Lvl 4). The wallet is nearly empty but has some T2 transport ships included - 600m-800m of worth in total. He sits in Jita at the moment on Station in NPC Corp. Never flew active PvP with him. If any other questions - just ask.

IMPORTANT : I can only tranfer the character at the end of the month, have to wait for my Salary :confused: - So long – You can make me offers.

Because i have really no clue what he is worth - pls dont scam me and send me some offer what would make sense to such a char.

34bil offer

I´ll give you 37b

I’ll offer 38B b/o. Thank you.

39bn thanks

40B for the next 4 hours. Thank you.

Bump - now its last Time to give me a good offer - I finally got my Salary and ill take the highest one bid within the next 24 hours.

40B bid. Thank you


44B Thank you

That’s a trick I haven’t seen before - editing your bid post. I had to try it to confirm if the time stays the same. Sure enough, It doesn’t change time to the edit time but keeps the original time. The post doesn’t change it’s order in the thread either.

Of course this means that a bidder can edit their bid after losing an auction and then claim they had the higher bid. Since the time doesn’t change, I’m not sure how a bidder/seller can tell when a post has been modified. I wonder if this could be considered an exploit.

Another factor is the seller will need to review every post in the thread and hope he doesn’t overlook a modified bid. Instead of just checking the last bid, each and every post will need to checked. Not sure how the sellers/bidders will feel about this.

@ISD_Kai (or whoever is the appropriate contact) Could you please get a ruling on whether or not this is an exploit? Thank you in advance. I don’t want my account(s) impacted especially considering the pretty strict rules for the character bazaar. Since this feels kinda like an exploit, I’m dropping out of this auction.

Glad your out, 45bil anyone else?, ps… numerous people edit instead of new post it stops threads being full of minor increments and scrolling. been this way for atleast the 10 years ive been doing character bazaar.

Sold - the 24 hours are over - congrats to Dude Lebowski ! pls send the money so i can start the character transfer ;).

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isk sent, account details evemailed to Modi.

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Got IsK and started Character Transfer - have fun with the char =)

Congrats and enjoy the toon!

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