- character has been sold -

To many characters, this is a good indy/pve character, 55mil SP key points:

Can Fly:
Jump Freighters (JDC/JDO/JFC V)
Recon Ships (Cyno IV, good cyno alt)

Other notable skills:
Command Center Upgrades / Interplanetary Consolidation V (Good PI Toon)
Mining Director / Mining Foreman V (Top level mining boosts)
Salvaging V
Industrial Command Ships V (Orca / Porpoise)
Advanced Lab Operation IV
Advanced Mass Production IV
Reactions IV

Positive wallet, security status 1.68, currently in jita, in NPC corp and a couple of jump clones with implants in jita, 0 killrights, Remap avaliable

40bil starting price 52bil b/o


40b offer

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thanks for that! noted - ill let this run for 3-4 days and take a winner unless someone gives me a decent b/o

41b offer

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thank you for the bid! i appreciate it! current offer 41bil i think ill close the auction on Monday so get your bids in!

bump - still for sale - auction closes DT Monday so get your bids in people!


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thank you for the bid - currently standing at 42bil no b/o offers so far! 4 more days

bump! To the top! closing on Monday after this weekend get yourself a good jump freighter rorq cyno alt right here!

little over 24 hours left! @Risa_Suzuka is winning with 42bil super cheap price for 55mil SP

Less then 12 hours left - bargain @ 42bil for 55 mil SP

47 Bil

that wouldnt be fair to the people that did wait, the b/o i had in my mind was 50b feel free to leave an offer tho more then welcome !


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15 minutes left and current bid at 48bil thank you Risa!

Congrats @Risa_Suzuka on your bid of 48bil please send the ISK and account details to Modi Garsk and i will begin the transfer once recieved. Thank you again everyone

isk and acc info sent

ISK recieved, transfer started. thank you for the smooth trade <3