- Is in NPC corp
- is located in Jita
- is currently sitting Full HG Amulet Set + EXTRAS
- has a positive wallet
- has positive security status
- no killrights on it
- DD 5
- DD rapid firing 5
- Amarr Titan 5
starting at 75b
starting at 75b
Fowlisio I offer 51B.
thanks for the bump
thanks for the bump…
70b b/o offer.
thanks for offer, just want a bit more. will set b/o at 75b
Willing to meet you in the middle at 72.5.
i will give it till sunday night at 11pm eve time and if your still top offer @72.5b, i will end the auction and he will be yours…
Fair enough. I’ll be in bed then, got early work on Monday. Will answer after work if I get it.
Seeing no updates, I assume I won it. ISK sent to Fowlisio along with an eve mail saying which account to transfer to.
isk received transfer started
Character received, thanks
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