[sold] Avatar BPO ME9 TE10

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And there goes the top meme thread of the day

Legit is just mad they won’t eat a lowball offer

It would need the lowest lowball to make that 140b come down to a realistic price.
I bet u are one of those pepegas thinking this is anywhere realistic :rofl:

140 would only works if that BPO loaded into full faction fitted Avatar’s cargo bay

Yeah i have a nice collection of lowball offers from this guy. He gets angry when refused, so i had to block him. He gets even by trolling threads.

As for the value of a BPO which brings a profit between 30 and 70 bil a year just by copying… I understand that some people cant handle enough math to understand what that means, but in this case at least stay quiet and you will look smarter.

Troll posts reported.

Trolling posts lol
You talk about math but say between “30 and 70b” u have no clue how much u can make a year off that bpo :rofl:

Also I am pretty sure we haven’t even talked to eachother yet or blocked eachother , if u price a Avatar BPO at 140b u aren’t even worthy to get lowballed because everyone ignores ur post as soon as they see that price it just a meme at that point and will stay like that for a long time until u come down to a real price in a year or two until then go make ur 70b a month copying it :joy:

But I am happy that u are to ignorant to see that will bump ur thread in a month again o/
Also Selling Avatar BPO 8/10 for 85b hit me up :ok_hand:

You talk about math but say between “30 and 70b” u have no clue how much u can make a year off that bpo :rofl:

No. It means that the price for a ME 9 BPC varies between 2.7 bil and 6 bil, constantly bringing enough profit to plex two accounts.
Again, better to stay quiet and let people think you might have problems than talk and clear any doubt about it.



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