SOLD myself 5m SP char

Char geared more towards Mining and indy most SP are in shields and rescource. No killrights, Located in jita, with a positive Wallet and no jump clones

Start 2.5b
B/O price 6b

I’ll give you 3B right now. Thank you,

Nope not when ypu offered 5 for my other char mino with same sp

After thoroughly analyzing that character, it looked like I overpaid but that’s on me.

If you want 5B, just put that as your starting price. Good luck with your sale.

Never said i wanted 5b just said no to you after seeing you low ball a better skilled char than you already bought before from me.

Daily bump

4.5B for b/o

i’ll be willing to sell it for that however i dont get paid for another week and a half if that would be good otherwise imma drop the post till i get paid again

No worries. If you still want to sell it in a week and half send this character an evemail. Leave this thread up and it can be updated if you do.

I shot you a message on eve if you were still interested

Hi. As discussed in game. Isk and account name sent.