SOLD - Orca Miner Mining Booster dst and freighter 50m Female

Total Skillpoints: 43,359,902
Unallocated Skillpoints: 6,665,997
Total Skillpoints: 50,025,899

is in high sec, no killing rights postive wallet, one jump clone with some Genolution and some not tratdeable skins of a promo of time with plex.

My main is now capable to do this and not need her anymore. Interested in know price and maybe selling.

45b ? seek me in game.

As we talk, i accept to buy your character in 47b. Please answer the thread and i sent the isk and the account name. You need leave the corporation too before i sent the isk.

Please confirm the thread / accept.

As i say in your thread I accept selling myself for 47b as stated. No killing rights i am in Metropolis High sec, no , positive wallet, jump clone with partial genolution. I pay the transfer

Edit: payment and account received. I transfer when i leave the work.

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