*** sold out ***

to the top

Temporary price of 3.2B!!!


Isk and info sent by Vasic

Chief Ironclad
Isk and info sent.

Just to reiterate Erica Styles.


isk and info sent.

Char sent Mura

Vasic, Char sent ty.

Character Received. Thank you!

3.2 for miss heron please

3.2 for miss heron accepted cynomale

please send isk and account info

shall send in next 10 mins when i get logged in tyvm

char sent cynomale

you never close your eyes anymore when I kiss your lips


there is no tenderness in your fingertips.

Miss Eos is still available?anything still available?

Yes miss Eos and many other chars are still available. Chars that are gone have a SOLD after there name.

Temporary price drop to 3.2 b each

So 3.2 for Teal Green Sea. I sent account name and isk.

char sent, thank you