SOLD paladin moros and rev pilot

In past days i offer this pilot but more interest yesterday, then i create a thread.

Joseph, 37m sp and Dreadnought 28.5 b b/o, my min is 28 now because more training

Is in high sec, no killing rights, one simple clone with +4, positive wallet, i pay the transfer, can transfer now if needed.

25b …

28,5 b/o

29 b/o

29,5 b/o

30 b/o

sold, send the isk and account and i transdfer

30,5 b/o if still active

is active, send the isk and account and i transfer, i sold to the first who send the isk

why don’t you want to see if emopao rises his offer ?

Becvause i am now in my computer and go to work in an hour, i prefer to sell and go to work without things to do.

isk transfered

yo wtf, i did the highest offer but didnt get a chance to buy, this not things are supposed to work

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SOLD to @EMOPAO isk received send the account and i transfer

will send via game email

received. i transfer in five minutes, was passing through uedama another char. I modify the thread tittle in a minute.


Please answer the thread when you receive the pilot.

Character received o7

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wanna sell it to me ? offering 34b

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