Sold ty

WTS T2 BPO: Scourge Precision Heavy Missile BPO 10/20

Offers from 85b

85b to start you off :slight_smile:

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what is the b/o?

90b isk

contract it to me please

Its up, cheers

hey I am very sorry but I just realized the location. can you move it to jita?

Its in highsec npc with highsec connection to Jita.
I’m not a hauler, best I can do is give you a 500mil discount.

I am very sorry. retracted. I can send you 500m if you wish so.

Ill take a freebie. BPO is still for sale b/o 90b

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I am interested of buying it. I don’t care where it is located.
Buy out
Make contract. To: Ingel
Deep space coalition, Fraternity.

Cheers! Contract is up

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I will accept ASAP.
Thank you.

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