SOLD Wormholer, Orca Pilot, and more

Accepted. Please provide account and send ISK and will then make the transfer happen.

Back to available with no response from G’Quan. Thanks!

Bump after a week of vacation! :slight_smile:

Giving it 2 more weeks before melting. :frowning:





Bumping head against proverbial wall. :slight_smile:


1 week until melt if not sold. :frowning:

6 Days…Buy me, I will be your slave toon! :slight_smile:

15.5b b/o

Close enough…sold. Send info and ISK in game and will get it done. Thanks!

Isk + info sent awaiting transfer

See the ISK and email; but, no account name for the xfer…as soon as I get it, will start the transfer. Thanks!

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