(SOLD)WTS 101M SP Some Pvp, Indy/scanning/PI

Wanting to sell myself 2011 toon

Can fly Rorq, Amarr or Gal Carrier
Covert Cyno
Jump Freighter Pilot
No Clone, No Kill rights
Located at Jita 4-4

Starting Bid 60B Buyout 85+

I’ll give you 65B. Thank you

Daily Bump

Bump again

Daily Bump

67B offer

68b offer

69b offer

69B Offer, being considered. Going to give it a couple more days.

70b offer

70B Is highest bid, being considered at the moment. Daily bump

71B b/o

72b offer

72B New Highest Offer. Sale going on for the next 6 days. Will make a decision then if Buy out not met

72B going once.

we can deal now?

Yep. Its your’s send isk and account and Ill get it tranfered.

i could give you 74 b if it is not too late

isk send.if you cancel it.back my isk.

Transfer started, please let me know when it’s done. Thanks Jonny11b