[SOLD] WTS 135kk sp Capital/Subcap pilot

Looking for sell my self - Quantum Anomaly

Cam fly Marauders V and Black Ops V
Can fly Chimera and Wyvern with Mino

All CCP rules applied.
NPC corp, positive isk wallet
No kill rights
Highsec location - The Forge space

High-grade crystal set + missiles in Lanngisi III - Moon 2 - Sisters of EVE Bureau

Looking for 110b as a starting point.
120 b - instant b/o

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Daily bump. Still for sale.

I’d like to bid 100b but since it’s below ur est. I’ll simply revoke if you won’t consider, no pressure

You know, i will agree with this price 100 b.

Offer accepted.

Please send isks and acc name via ingame email for character transfer.

Isk and ingame mail sent.

Got it.

Sending character now.

Transfer started.

toon received, thank you for the trade.