**SOLD*** WTS - 14.8m SP Jump Freighter & Transport Hauler Master!

Character has a positive wallet, in Jita 4-4, in a noob corp

I pay all transfer fees to account

3 Remaps available!
Transport Ships V
Jump Drive Calibration V
Jump Fuel Conservation V

Eve Board

Ocular Filter-Improved
Memory Augmentation - Improved
Neural Boost - Basic
Cybernetic Subprocessor - Improved
Social Adaptation Chip - Basic

Starting Bid 9B
Buyout 12B

9 Bil

9 B highest offer so far, 1 day bump

9.5 bil :ok_hand:

9.7 B


Added a Buyout, Day 2 bump!

Still available, looking for higher bids!

11 bil


11.5 bill


First one to 12B wins!

12 bil

We have a winner. Awaiting isk transfer from Daniel Lynch and all other bids will be ignored unless the sale is cancelled for failure to transfer said isk.

Isk has been received. Please eve mail Flarrceed the account name this character should be transferred to

accoun sent, check mail

We are currently processing this transfer. The character being transferred will remain on your account until the process is complete, but will not be playable during this time.

Character Name: flarrceed

Will be completed after: 7/7/2017 12:47:10 PM