SOLD *WTS 29M sp, loki pilot*

Name : Ghajiu Odd
29M skill points.
Positive standing.
Positive wallet.
No kill rights.
+4 implants.
Loki, cov op,recon.
Magic 14 V.
Sitting in Jita 4-4 in a npc corp.
Starting from 20b
BO 26b

20 b b/o

thank you for you offer of 20b.
but the buy-out is 26.

I’ll do 24bil

24bil, deal , send isk and account details and i will start the transfer.

Sending the isk and details now from the character IAmHighground - this one has gone alpha and I can’t log everything out right now.

Before I do, can you post with the character that is for sale in here? You never confirmed it.

Sure no problems.

Isk and details sent

Ok give me 30minutes to get home , i’m leaving my workplace ATM

Ok got the isks and started the transfer , enjoy you new toon

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