SOLD - WTS 4.1M SP (4,634,155 Unallocated SP) DONT SLEEP ON THIS (MOBY FOO U)

Unallocated SP ALONE - Worth 9.6b If you bought injectors.

NPC corporation +
Wallet green +
No kill rights
Location: Jita

Star Price - You know its worth it. I’m happy to wait for the right buyer. No rush. Let Foo rest if it isn’t for you.

6b offer

7 b offer

I am looking for 9b

isk transfered, want to give foo a good home

thanks got the isk. message me your account so I can transfer.

Thank you, message sent, will confirm once character is transferred

transfer started.

thanks. sale closed

Confirming that i received the character, location was not in Jita :stuck_out_tongue: everything else seems in order :slight_smile:
Thank you

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