Character is SOLD
I am located in Jita and have a positive balance in my wallet.
- Transfer will be paid by me through plex
- All CCP Rules apply
Start: 4b
B/O: Suprise me
Character is SOLD
I am located in Jita and have a positive balance in my wallet.
Start: 4b
B/O: Suprise me
To the top we go
4b bid
Thank you for the offer and it is noted.
B/O is set to 4.5b
I will accept your BID. You won
Send ISK en account name, so i can start the transfer
Buyer has not replied.
Char is still for sell.
Top the top we go
4 bil b/o still good?
just logged in, isk and acct info sent,
Support ticket is created for transfer. Grats on the toon
How long does it usually take for a Plex transfer?
All character transfers have a 10 hour waiting period for security reasons
Bummer. I forgot I still had bids out there and didn’t log in for a couple weeks. Sorry about that.
Plus the time it takes to reply from CCP
Transfer is done, you should have the char on your account.
Char received, thx