[SOLD] WTS 67m SP (64.5m+3.3m unalloc.) Golem, stand, missions


53b now

i have isk ready

55b buy out

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accepted bid, 55b — sold.

I’ll wait for isk and will start the process within a day

isk and mail send please check

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I have received Isk and your message, thank you! Will start transferring procedure in the evening

-_- Now for some reason website doesn’t let me to pay for the transfer (something about russian payment methods). But I live in other country and have european card lol. I have no options now!
So i’ve opened support ticket and waiting for help.

I will send your Isk back to you today, because I don’t know how long it will take to solve my problem :smiling_face_with_tear:
I’m sorry, didn’t expect such problem

isks were sent back to you while I’m waiting solution from the support

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ok,when its ready,let me know

Support has to manually transfer your account.

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ye,you can use support to ask GM help you,soi give back the isk.

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You’re right. They told me that I can pay via PLEX) Will do it today

have you done?

If they approve of the plex transfer it will take 10 hrs or slightly longer for the character to hit your acct after the transfer starts

I’m waiting reply or help from the GM, don’t worry

it’s done, let me know your result please

get it,thank you

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ty too

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