Hi, i want sell this well rounded pilot, rorqual capable, svery soon to jump freighter
When i receive the payment i need two hours to transfer because need pass all his posessions to otrer char. Want make the deal today if possible.
I am for sale.
Positive wallet
no kill rights
willl be in high sec.
I am not reading evemail, please answer the thread if interested.
(Axyl Jags)
How much for this one again?
(Axyl Jags)
Never bought a character before, don’t have any idea either lol, 3 billion?
(Axyl Jags)
k lol, let me know when you’ve got the price tag figure out
Gattanera, i accept the 100b offer, ready to do the operation
100Bil isk ready to transfer now… if Battanera doesn’t reply
Send me project phoenix, i sell to you , and as i say, i deliver in two hours, need empty forst
In other words, i agree to sell to you.
isk and account info sent to PiterSkyWalker. please transfer pilot…
Received, i transfer in two hours aprox.
been 2 hours, have not received email of transfer yet. when are you going to transfer?
Sorry, need 20 min more.
I had some ships woith containers and need going to they to empty qndd contract to myself.
Currently two stops more, one in domain and last in rens.
Transfer done one moment ago, sorry for the delay.
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