Character is Sold
So, about this thread; I’m stil for sale; These 63 677 866 juicy skillpoints could be all yours!
35 bil
Hi there Sisa and thanks for your offer!
Altough a high amount of isk, I feel I’m worth a bit more than your offer.
Please reconsider.
39b ISK
40 bil
Beginning to like you more and more, make it 45 and we have a deal!
41b isk
Hi miss Brasil,
Same sentiment as with miss Amatin; 45 bil and I’m yours.
Make it rain baby!
Getting close to closure… I like!
Don’t be shy peeps…
We’re stil on the market.
Last offer was 41bil, who’s the lucky sod that brings it to 45 and steals me away?!
I’ll take Lila for 45 bil
You won’t regret it m’lady. Please send the isk and let me know which account I wil have to be transfered to.
Thanks for your patronage.
Confirming, ISK received. Transfer initiated;
We are currently processing this transfer. The character being transferred will remain on your account until the process is complete, but will not be playable during this time.
Character Name: Lila Lee
Will be completed after: 11/14/2018 5:28:20 AM
Isk and acct info sent,
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