Selling myself
Password: 1234
Character is located in a High-Sec station
2 Bonus Remaps
Positive Wallet, Positive Standings
I will pay the transfer
Please allow an extra 12-24 hours for the transfer since I will be petitioning to use PLEX to transfer.
B/O 10b
Taking offers.
What is your connection password?
oh dear, I forgot about that sorry, post is updated with password
Current highest bid is Virginia Kit at 7bil.
If there are no higher bids after this response is 24 hours (1d) old, then I will accept Virginia’s bid.
Offer accepted, please send the isk and account details.
isk and account details sent
Isk and account details recieved.
CCP has been petitioned, will update with confirmation once I receive it from CCP
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