Logi Pilot

EveSkillboard - Tyson Brewer

38,790,640 M Skill Points

Clone with basic implants
Bonus Remaps available: 2

Many Skills Injected and at V

Armour Layering V
Remote Armour Repair V
Repair Systems V
Drone Interfacing V
Drones V
Cyno V
Fuel Conservation V
Tactical Shield Manipulation V
Gallente Cruiser V
Recons V

  • Positive wallet
    *Located in Jita
  • No Kill Rights
  • 0.0 Security status
  • Member of an NPC Corporation

Many Skills Injected

I pay the transfer after isk is paid.
I reserve the right to end the auction at any time.

Start:25 Billion

1 Like

confirming I am for sale

19 Billion ISK offer.



23b isk ready LeaZarus#7619

Make it 25b and it’s yours. @Zavulon_Raubvogel

still for sale

25B isk ready

Is it still for selling?

Sorry, yes I have been away for a couple of days. sold to Grox Sagittarius for 25 billion. Send me your details and isk to this character and I will commence transfer.

Isk and details sent

isk and details received. I will commence transfer shortly.


We are currently processing this transfer. The character being transferred will remain on your account until the process is complete, but will not be playable during this time.

Character Name: Tyson Brewer

Will be completed after: 2/15/2021 7:09:03 AM

Checked. Thank you for everything. I’ll make a reply once more when I receive your character completely. Have a good day!

Character received. Thank you

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