Hey gents,
I’m looking to sell my Chameleon
Price? around 300B
I’m accepting bids starting from 280B and B/O at 310B
Ship will be delivried to a location decided with client
You can send me a IG mail or just reply there
Bump like its hot
another bump
Bump like on undock
250b offer
To low, add extra 30B and we can start talk
255b offer
Another bump with special AD for a item from New Eden store. Buy Upwell Executive Spectacles for only 75 plexes and be able read properly sales ads today !
Another daily bump with cookies
daily bumperino
Bumped like its hot
200b offer
I appreciate your free bump, but im interested to sell this ship under his real value.
As i said in my first post, i’ll not accept any offers under 280B
Daily bumperino
Daily bump to the top
Daily bumping
270 bill