Looking to sell my chameleon.
Paint is kinda fresh, have some KMs but can be packaged for a refresh if your prefer to get it like new.
Comming with VonHole season pass
Starting bid is 350B , B/O for 400. ( Price adjusted 07/09 )
Located in a low sec but can be moved to HS “safe” space ( if u prefer deal with Tornados on Amarr undock, it’s up to you )
low sec … b/o cancelled
its safer in LS than in HS anyway but as i said its can be moved to HS with no problem before sell
300b offer
Have fun with that, you can easily (by AT ship standards) get one for 300b
daily bump
well then… still interested for 300B?
250 offer
251 bil
Bump ( and troll offers will be ignored )
bumping like its hot
No disrespect but they last sold for 250-260. you decided to boost the price after they were nerfed and CCP talked about re-releasing.
300bil would be a good price if someone offers it but 400 is just crazy.
They’re not rereleasing the exact same ship. Plus it’ll be several years before 2.0 comes out.
Well if you talk about ECM nerf, its dont really impact it. Most of ppl anyway play this ship at really long range and not dare commit close. So you can be a good ECM machine while u have something already in close range with your target.
But i’m willing accept 300B offer, i put offer highter coz no one anyway trying follow prices
That’s good to hear. I was triggered about his 400bil price tag. Can Imps even sell for 400 nowadays?
Well imps are… fine to fight rattles with geckos from what i heard… then u need to dodge Vonhole season pass so personally i prefer buy cloaky stuff ( Cham/Rabisu/Etana )