Time to finally sell off this character after years away and retire to some far corner of quiet space where Goons will inevitably inform me of my ship’s extended warranty.

Sec Status: 1.29
Wallet: 0.00
Kill Rights: None
Clones: Two in Jita - Mid-grade Asklepian set | Clean
Current Implants: High-Grade Crystals w/ Omega

Nag spec’d with Cap Projectiles to 5, each spec to 3. All but Amarr Dread to 4.
Capital Industrial 4
Carrier Ready

All but T2 BC capable. Solo and small-gang focused skill dispersion to run and gun as you like, wherever you like.


Let me know!

50B BO

Impl0ded I’ll offer you 56.1B

56.2B BO

How about 60?

60b bo [ in 3 h home at work ATM]

If the previous bidder doesn’t respond by then, he’s all yours.

Looks like the bid goes to you! Congratulations on your new character, I hope they serve you well.

Im home in 30min i send the isk and acc name

isk and acc name send

Character transfer has begun, you should have him soon. Good luck!

Thank you, everyone, for the interest!

—Sale Closed—

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