Is this sold ?
No contact from Cary Jeronimo, not sold. Still for sale.
how much do you want ?
Current bid is 42.5 and b/o is 47
43b offer
If none else places a bid by midnight US Eastern time then I am yours, I will be online and ready to transfer toon at that time.
Auction Ended, Awaiting 43b Offer confirm from D0uble Tr0uble. Will only be on for about another hour.
No reply from last bidder, back up for sale.
I’ll match the last bid of 43bil, as they’ve not responded.
44B… Active looking although would need confirmation by tonight . thanks
I’m here- I was on an island with no internets… Isk is ready, sending it now.
What’s the word?
Online ready to transfer
Just logged on in-game and received your mail. Sending you the 44.5bil and account name, now.
Please confirm the sale and transfer.
ISK received! Starting transfer!
Now under new management. Sale complete.
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