Heya all, I have been a WH PVPer for a long time now, either on my own (2 or 3 accounts) or with a buddy, and am looking for a change. I am interested in LS piracy or possibly HS war deccing and that sort of thing. Really, anything that is interesting PVP. I am typically active from about DT weekdays until DT +6 or so, and I want a corp that is active during that time frame. If you are not actively hunting then, then please do not inquire.
I specialize in SoE ships, but can fly most any sub caps, and would very much like to get into a good Blops gang. I am happy to join either my main and alt, or an alliance as a corp keeping in mind that my corp is only myself. I have about 77M SP on my main, all PVP oriented because I removed all of my PVE SP on my main and my scout alt.
Thanks for looking. EVE mail me or contact me here if you are interested.
It’s a tight knit group of adults with real lives. Most are married, and just look forward to working together/shooting the poop with a bunch of other turbo nerds after work.
They prefer 21+, but that’s not immediately disqualifying.
Either way, I would appreciate it if you could let me know what you think.
JAD Industries is looking for active pilots. Our goal is to create a brotherhood of our members working together to do what we enjoy. Eve. We accept all flavors of pilots who seek community.
What we offer:
Active PVP (In region and out in the rest of null)
Active PvE activities (Industrial, Mining, Exploration, etc)
Plenty of mining opportunities (many moons)
A place to call home
Good, open minded leadership
Understanding real life before EVE
Mentorship to newer bros / returners
Shipping to home region
If you have any questions, please just ask one of us. You can join our public channel - JAD Industries Public.