Space Brutality Alliance We Are RMC Prospects Corps & Members Sov Holding Provi & Catch

Welcome to Space Brutality Greetings, valiant pilots, and welcome to the mighty ranks of Space Brutality, an unyielding force within the Providence region of New Eden, and a proud member of the illustrious Red Menace Coalition.

As you cross the threshold into this realm of cosmic conquest, know that you’ve joined not just an alliance, but a thriving community of like-minded individuals bound by the call of adventure and the thrill of camaraderie.

In Space Brutality, we thrive on the principles of unity, strength, and adaptability. Whether you’re a battle-hardened veteran or a fresh-faced capsuleer, you’ll find a welcoming community ready to support you in your endeavours. Our alliance is built upon mutual respect, cooperation, and the relentless pursuit of excellence.

Here in Providence, we’ve carved out our own slice of the universe, and it’s up to each of us to safeguard our territory, build our assets, and ensure our place among the stars. From defending our systems against hostile forces to exploring the unknown and reaping the rewards of the cosmos, there’s no shortage of opportunities to leave your mark. Remember, your success is our success. Engage in our vibrant discussions, forge alliances within the alliance, and don’t hesitate to seek guidance from your fellow pilots.

Our shared knowledge and experience are the cornerstones of our strength. As you set forth on this grand adventure, keep in mind the words that define us: strength, tenacity, and unity. Together, we will overcome any challenge and reach new horizons that none have dared to explore. Welcome to Space Brutality,

where the stars are the limit, and the universe is yours to conquer! Fly bold, fly fierce, and forge your destiny among the stars! For the glory of Space Brutality!

Christopher Giacomo Executor Space Brutality & Mavrick Jeffery Space Brutality XO/Lead Diplomat

Contact Up Today Discord

Alliance Moons
PVP & Industry Set Up







On the look for active growing corps for null sec. :smiley:





New alliance:)

  • We are also looking for old and new corps to join us is Provi and catch PVP/ PVE & Full industry.




