Space Mutts (C4: C3/C5 Pulsar) WH PVP Corp recruiting EU & US TZ Pilots

Space Mutts is looking to grow our EU+US time zone. We offer players the opportunity to grow as PvP pilots in a supportive environment. In return we would like to see the willingness to learn and commit time to achieve our PVP goals.

What we expect from our pilots:

  • Active during EU or US Timezone
  • Willing to help the content finding process in the form of scanning
  • A compatible, and PvP mindset. We want initiative and desire to improve the team
  • Ability to fly respective high-skill armor and shield ships (Logi, Command, and T3)
  • Omega State

Bonuses and Extras:

  • Previous wormhole experience
  • Multi-box capable
  • Alts for scanning/bubbling/booshing/etc

What we can offer to you:

  • Capable fleet commanders
  • Heavily progress-focused group
  • Well stocked set of doctrine ships
  • Ammo and other PVP consumables on local market at reasonable prices

While we expect all players to be self sufficient, we encourage scanning by offering loot incentives for content finders as well as opportunities to use the chain for PVE outside of primetime EU and US

If you are interested in applying or would like to know more join our in game channel ‘Space Mutts’, join our Discord or pm me on discord: floppybueno

Our Links zKillboard

Recent Videos on Youtube:

Armor fight from four perspectives vs Turbo

Space Mutts VS Almost Dangerous Heavy Armour Brawl - YouTube

Space Mutts VS Sugar - Heavy Shield Brawl

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Still open ?

Hey yeah we are - drop me a message on discord FloppyBueno#2956

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Bump !