🐺 - Speaker for the Dead - NPC Null SEC - Gallente FW

Pvp program ramping up!!!

Ender taught us how to win.

Lots of content

Got fun stuff in the works

Lots of fun fights this week

The activity is ramping up!!

Looking for more pvp folks

Accepting apps from pvp focused pilots

It’s the weekend!!!

Recruiting eves best people!!


Returning player here with 11m SP. I like your location and what you offer. I will be reaching out tomorrow when I get back on to play.

Whale down

Snip snap, snip snap

Interesting week, lots of good content

I’m back, recruitment open!

Here we go bois

Party time in wh space!!!

We are accepting apps now for pvp focused pilots!!!

Wh space is fantastic for small and medium gang pvp

Content everywhere!!