Who we are: STK Scientific is an old corporation dating back to the beta days of EVE in 2003. We’re a Corp Imbedded in the alliance The Initiative, which resides in the null sec region of Fountain. We’re primarily a US timezone based group, though the alliance has a healthy presence in all timezones, especially EUTZ.
What we do: We are a low drama collection of adults (and Kalkin) who play EVE with varying play styles and intensities. We value each others time and views.
In EVE we’re a group of self sufficient (occasionally) vets who all have different styles and want to enjoy the game in our own way. You want to fight all the time? Go for it. You want to explore? Sure thing. You want to haul in high sec? Weird flex but OK nerd.
Our requirements are simple:
- Life is short, don’t be a douche.
- See requirement one.
- Have a microphone.
Who we’re interested in:
We are open to adult pilots of all skill levels and play styles. We’re happy to teach new people but generally we are looking for pilots who can take care of themselves.
We look forward to hearing from you. Our corp recruitment channel STK Recruitment is the place to find us and enquire about joining.