Suggestion for new player acquisition and retention

It would work here for the same reason it works everywhere else.

A catch-up mechanic removes some of the road block for attaining higher end goals, like piloting dreads, carriers, orcas, titans, fax, rorquals etc. When you make that easier, you give people more opportunity, while still training for those higher end goals, to experience the community and playstyle of the video game.
It’s like the carrot on a stick. Putting an 18 foot stick in front of a donkey doesn’t work as well as putting an 8 foot stick in front of the same donkey. If the carrot seems too far away, you’re less likely to try for it. Simple psychology.
Not only would it benefit the EvE community, as far as having more bodies playing, you have to look at the overall profit of CCP. with more players on, you have a higher percentage of players that will consider buying plex.
It’s all profit.

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Thanks for defining what a catch up mechanic is.
Please show me the proof that these improve new player retention.

This is hilarious and I’m going to ignore it since there’s nothing worth discussing here.

You still haven’t shown us the connection between your idea and actually improving new player retention. Do you have numbers or polls or anything to show that new players are joining, and then quitting because they can’t participate in strat ops? Do you have anything to prove that they’re quitting because they don’t want to spend thousands of dollars on PLEX for skills?


Strat ops is just one example of gameplay that has some skill based limitations. I would expect someone with your intelligence to be able to extrapolate that.
You’re intentionally ignoring basic information in order to drive your annoying stance of, “nuh uh” without offering anything of value to explain why it would not work.

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TEST Alliance Please Ignore, arguably one of the top 5 largest nullsec alliances has programs to get new players into strat ops within an hour. So to many of the other major nullsec alliances. Your point is moot.

The burden is on YOU to provide evidence why it would work. You’re the one proposing a change. We just need to say, “the status quo is fine”.

It’s not our burden to disprove your argument.


Actually, I would argue that your point is moot.
Just because those alliance have ways to get people into t1 ships and use them as cannon fodder does not help a player get into any of the shiny ships they see and want. Those take months of training, even if they don’t take much actual skill to fly.
I have been successful with my jump freighter, and rorqual even though I was told not to use either since I wasn’t at the skill level they demanded in those alliances. Player skill doesn’t take long to develop, while in game it takes months or years.

I have provided evidence of why my suggestions would work, and used other companies as reference. That is all I need to do to feel secure that my suggestions would be beneficial for this game and the company that runs it.

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Now you’re just moving goalposts.
Instead of strat ops, it’s now “shiny ships”.

Are you going to argue an actual point or just move goalposts whenever each gets called out?

You’ve only cited world of warcraft, but you didn’t even explain what mechanics they use. You use said “catch up mechanics” as a broad and general term.

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i.e. - “we’ve got to burn the village down to save it”

No thanks.

At least you intend well…I think…but I disagree with your ideas very much.

successful strat ops depend on certain shiny ships. I’ve also reference capital ships and super capital ships. Perhaps you need to focus on reading retention instead of my topic for player retention.
Many games have catch-up mechanics, to include faster leveling, more experience per kill, more currency per completion of goals, lower requirements for entry to raids etc…
I expect more from your apparent intelligence.

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All games show end game raiding in their ads, many players never see those bosses on those difficulty modes.

That doesn’t mean new players should skip everything the game has to offer.

You seem to be a bad influence on new players!


Under 100m is not a new player scenario.

Lets make it under 10m.


I find this ironic since you seem to not have the first clue about the differences between a skill based sandbox and a leveling merry go round game.

Wrong. And stupid. Not even going to bother reading the rest cos I can see where this will go.

You’re obviously an idiot.


Then when they lose big shinny ship the come to the forums and whine about mean lowlife gankers and quit.

it’s already under 10m.

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Regardless of the method for gaining xp or sp, the point remains. Trolls like yourself are going over the same things and trying to pick my topic apart without offering anything constructive.
Successful games find ways to make catching up to the veteran player base possible. This game does not. So far, i’ve seen insults and fail circle logic that does nothing to address the situation.
The point remains that new players must pay thousands of dollars for plex, or wait for years to be able to compete with veteran players.

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It seems to me that engaging and retaining new players would hinge more on creating more situations where they can do something fun and effective with the skills and ships they have access to. Rather than targeting accelerator drops for them intended to get them into bigger and more expensive ships that they don’t have the knowledge or experience to fly yet.

EVE needs more early game, solo/small gang/cheap (relatively) fit options. That attracts and engages newer players. Not “here’s a shortcut to help you rush to the end-game” kludges.


Simply isn’t true though is it?

Eve made news more for controversial gameplay like scams, economy, theft and player killing in high-sec as well as big battles.

Whilst it has lost some of it’s more controversial uniquness, it’s still making news for being the only full time pvp sandbox with a player driven economy on a single shard.

The more this thread goes on the more it looks like you just have an idea and will make any fallacious argument to push it through and hope people are too ignorant to see the bull ■■■■.

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I don’t know why the suggestion stops where it does if the idea is that easier progression helps new player retention.

Why even propose any limit? Surely that is just designing to keep a limit on retention.

Scrap skill points all together. Alpha = Limited access to the game. Omega = access to everything. Surely by the logic of outlined in the thread, that must provide the best experience for new players.

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Scams, economy, theft and player killing in highsec arent limited by skillpoints. Piloting any of the t2 or bigger ships is. Player skill develops faster than character skill.
My point still remains valid, regardless of the few trolls on here trying to make this about me, rather than the point of this thread.
So far, i’ve seen 1 comment that even remotely offers a fair suggestion, and that is about more low end content. Even that doesn’t address the obvious and frequent desire to fly higher end ships.
Simply put, you few are trying to derail this thread and offer no sound critique or suggestions. Insulting me is not a valid critique of the topic or refinement of the suggested changes.

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Go ■■■■ your self righteous attitude. As a discussion forum, others are able to post counters, without needing to post suggestions that just agree with you.

You are no more entitled to an opinion than anyone else is, and other opinions are just as fair.