Suggestion for new player acquisition and retention

Considering it’s an IDEA, and not corporate regulation, it bears a certain level of weight. I am a player that is worried for the continuity and health of a game I have grown to love, so have put forth an idea that is clearly up for healthy debate.
Thus far, i’ve suffered personal insult and negative attitudes toward my person for having the testicular fortitude to suggest any idea. Perhaps if you spent more energy on trying to improve the odds of this game and community surviving another decade, and less on trying to hammer down on everyone else, this game wouldn’t be on the serious decline it’s on.

Don’t bother wasting your time replying to them, their main intention is to derail threads and demean those who don’t share the same opinion.

What if the npc dog tags obtained from running agent missions held more use.

ie, We have abyssal and they have different levels of difficulty.

Note; What if a number of dag tags could be handed in for a special gate key that allowed a pilot to select the next mission they want to run and instead of the random mission popping up they could see make a choice on that mission they seem to love to run again and again,. Such missions as Buzz Kill. etc, you all have your favorite.

(The quality nor quantity of dog tags for this change could not be just guessed, it would take a smart person to derive such an outcome.)

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Do you say that does not happen with other games?

There already is. Skill injectors. On this character, I’m at 13.6 million skill points and I started playing 99 days ago. and for the past month I have been playing other games.


Why pay money if you can request it for free on forums?

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I have been doing everything on this account by acquiring isk from playing the game. I literally started as an alpha account to boot.


ISK are also money.
The same author also asks for Triglavian skillbooks to be added as NPC seeded ones, presumably to reduce amount of money needed to buy them.

My mistake, I thought you were talking about me personally using money. I consider money and isk two separate things since the only thing isk will buy me is what ever is on CCP’s server.

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I think we see the reason that the OP want to make it easy to skillup new characters…


Any initiative, whether from CCP or from players, that enables rookies to get into fleets with anything that flies on a regular basis would be solid gold for the New Player Retention. Just have fun, socialize and blow stuff up, isn’t that the core of Eve ? Maybe the ISD’s should have a new section, for fc’s to build rookie fleets, lol.

The old RvB and the original Brave Newbies of more than half a decade ago did just that, ironically in that period when logins peaked.


Come on, it was obvious right after

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You know what, there was much better player retention and online player numbers before we even had skill injectors and such like. Maybe the struggle and time investment to reach your goal and the next tier of ships kept people playing??? Rather than the easy buy skills, jump into endgame ship in a few months, makes people bored of the game to easily.
Ever think of it that way?


Dont argue with Eve veterans onhow to make Eve better because


That’s evidence that eve doesn’t retain new players very well.

But what makes you think that’s because they can’t get into capitals or because they interact with the community?

You need to convince people how one causes the other.

Cause right now you’re saying the world is ending cause water is wet…


And they did that without injecting noobs into bigger ships.

They did it by providing noobs content at a noob level.

But @The_Charon does not understand this.


Skill injectors were introduced in early 2016. At that point EVE had already spent 2-3 years fairly rapidly declining from the highs of 2013-2014. Skill injectors alone made very little difference in the short term. The decline stabilized for @4 months as people checked them out, then began dropping again.

A few months after that, Alpha state was introduced and almost immediately increased player numbers by roughly 25%. Alpha state stabilized the population for a few years and now the Chaos Era is showing that the major effects on player numbers are caused by CCP fiddling with various gameplay mechanics.

While skill injectors have definitely changed the pace of the game for ISK-rich/impatient players, I doubt they’ve had much overall effect on retention. Certainly not among newer players.

  1. Delete all capital ships
  2. Remove Alpha status
  3. Remove Skill Injectors

Three steps to saving the awful state EVE is in.


This arguement for easier skill points has no purpose then to force other pilots into capital ships so certain unorganized groups can try and make themselves more powerful.

Id also like to add new players can catch up, afterall battleship V is battleship V whether your 1 year old or 17.


Agreed, in ICANP we are doing our part to help get the newbie retention numbers up, if we have more groups like ICANP, EVE-Uni, RvB, and Brave newbies, then more and more newbies hopefully will stay.