Gankers, trigs and fob rats are permanent threat. They are permanently in the game, they are a threat.
If you mean permenent like in 24/7 there will always someone watch if someone else warps to belt to get a kill, thats silly.
Gankers, trigs and fob rats are permanent threat. They are permanently in the game, they are a threat.
If you mean permenent like in 24/7 there will always someone watch if someone else warps to belt to get a kill, thats silly.
You’re the one who mentioned gankers
I was talking about ganker-like tougher rats, mines, toxic space clouds and such. Just ways to get asteroid belts to be a more dangerous area.
Ok, scratch the gankers, lol. I guess I mentioned them as an afterthought. They can’t be in all belts all the time so they don’t fit the purpose I’m talking about.
I think it’s good that mining ships don’t have much defensive capabilities but some of them still have too much tank and I don’t think they should be able to fit Warp Core Stabilizers. Those modules should require too much capacitor charge to be fitted on a mining ship.
That I agree with. Mining should be more dangerous, like ship-destroyed 100% if an NPC is present. NPCs in belts should be deadly. Like one-shot-blow-up deadly.
Yes and there should be way more of them. Whole fleets of them, as I already mentioned.
Don’t the gas clouds found in K-space Gas Sites already damage your ship? So…there ya go.
The power gap between them and normal HS belt rats feels somewhat hopelessly too wide. And what @Dray_Cil proposes would effectively have it filled.
I kind of like this idea. Unless RNJesus blesses you (which is rare), HS ratting is a waste of time -even for newbros. Moreover, there is a ridiculously large jump in difficulty between normal rats and trigs and diamond rats. Thus, I think OP’s suggestion would help make HS ratting more viable, and smooth out the difficulty curve a bit when it comes to HS rats. In fact, rat difficulty and payout was probably designed under very different conditions in terms of player power and career isk efficiencies.
All that being said, care should be taken in order to ensure that it doesn’t become too big of an isk faucet.
It is. Because they are fairly new. Everything CCP adds now is making game harder, because it exerts pressures on players, and they have to adapt, also maybe buy more PLEX too, or upgrade to Omega.
CCP doesnt want alphas or bots to farm rats all day and night.
Can this not be regulated via spawning frequency? Would also add an element of unpredictability, with ill-prepared players losing their ships as a potential balancing sink.
how about they spawn the commander more. I’d be okay with that. You want more trig rats showing up and dropping solo orcas because these HS miners have terrible skills?
i have the contraire opinion
im super against hard NPCs in the “normal” space
NPCs kiling players is a terrible idea , it hurts the sandbox
the trigs for example …
players should kill players
that said im in favor of hard NPCs in missions and in abyssal space , if a character like PVE i think CCP should give him cool and challenging content
the only exception i do to this is super rare and nasty officer spawns , because i think the idea of hunting a rare officer NPC with a BIIIIIG loot is cool
We need trigs, which are equipped with trig launchers, which launch more trigs. And when you go to open and lewt the wreck, guess what jumps out?
How about giving anyone mining a suspect timer so anyone can shoot them without Concord intervening?
Dray Cil
Lets put mining bounty on them, say 50% of the amount mined such that you then need to “unmine” your mining bounty by either dying inside your mining vessel or killing the other miners with mining bounty to negate your bounty
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