Supporting CODE Was A Mistake

Paragraphs do indeed save lives. :cry:

Brisc alt confirmed.

Using a bow? Facepalm.

This is just another one of things where EVE reflects the real world. For me, its simply amazing how people cannot foresee even two steps ahead of their own actions and the people they give money, labor and tools to.

I am glad to hear that someone learned to see. I hope more will ESPECIALLY in real life. My biggest hope for this game is that it will wake people up to the out of game realities.

It does not reflect the real world LOL. There are space zombies flying ships around in EVE.

Why would people need to wake up to out of game realities in a game? It is a game bro. Something people like to do to escape from real life LOL.

You seriously got real problems. Biomass and get help kthx.

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