Surgical Strike – Coming 15 April

Please buff interceptor resists, as this over all change to tank and short range DPS will make it even harder for inty pilots to hold tackle !!!

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That was in response to the article you posted, not you personally. Sorry, I should’ve been clear on that!

Should probably discuss that in that thread?

You’re absolutely right! They don’t have to do F**k all! Just like I don’t have to keep putting out hundreds of dollars a month for my 8 Omega characters and PLEX’s. I’m paying them for an enjoyable game. The moment I stop enjoying it is the moment they stop getting my money!


Thanks for the info… unsubbed my only paid account permanently when blackout happened, now I have the exact encouragement I need to uninstall this garbage from my PC and never look back. Not that I’m mad - it’s been blatantly obvious from the day Triglavian ships released that CCP have been doing everything they can think of to accelerate EVE’s inevitable demise as much as possible. If anything, it’s a little sad, as the aesthetics and atmosphere of the game are amazing, and it’s a shame to see them all go to waste. Ah, well. Good luck, CCP, in your ongoing efforts at voluntary self-destruction.


Yes vote with your wallet, do not support this company! do not reply to Scoots_Choco he’s a waste of time, also you can write a letter to Pearl Abyss on how CCP is running their investment through the ground!

Hopefully Pearl Abyss steps in and gets rid of the CCP management / devs and puts this game back on track!


Yes, this is why numbers have been climbing for the last 6 months, CCP are clearly doing things wrong!
Or in other less sarcastic words, I think you need to step back and actually consider the game as a whole, not just how much profit you can make.
And if you still want to leave, send your stuff here.

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Really don’t care anymore. This is the last straw. I’ll stick around for awhile, not much else to do during beerbug, but I HAVE HAD ENOUGH of the BS!


The super change is hard but needed.

For the resistance nerf…i like it we had a fun time in the Corp prepairing our fittings for the changes.

My rorqual fit for my alt was not touched in like 2 years it proofed it self and i never lost one (kinda lucky always) and it was refreshing to change my Dual cap booster dual shield rep (Concord Plus ancilarry) because caps can no longer fit 2 Cap boosters.

For my pve 10/10 runner Blackop (i dont like to travel in a bs) just goes from 2 gist c type adaptive to 2 pith a type and will end up with the same stats as before.

For my ratting super i am looking forward to the changes with 4 heavy squads but no Support.
Ticks will go up a bit but Support fighters offen saved my ass.

Pvp wies i am building a super hull right now and fit was not Final…have to see how it ends up with the 400 to 200% Extender/plates change and again heavy fighters but no support squads

Edt.: overall refreshing for me and positiv changes

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Funny thing is i woud welcome a harder nerf too.

I had more fun at the start with my first 10/10s with some Corp mates with same low skill ammount back than.
Being in there with 3 peopl logi Support and stuff was hell a fun.
Sure i make more isk now. But i woud prefer if high end pve content like ded 10/10 woud need a small Gang like 3 or 4 peopl and give more isk.
Instead of doing everything on my own.

And for freighter killing in HS…i mean their resistents not getting a nerf just the enemys 15% dps.
So if they needed 15 peopl before they now need 2,5 or so less. Not that big of a Deal tbh. If they want to Gang stuff in HS they just dont need that much alts on a vm now…

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Man, CCP has been consistently nerfing nonconsensual PvP in all of its forms for over a decade, and now that for the first time in years they want to implement something that might indirectly cause some people to lose ■■■■-fit haulers and mining barges to gank squads using one less Catalyst than they did before, y’all turn into turnips.

These changes won’t even affect ganking’s bottom line, because contemporary ganking is either a target value calculation, or a principle calculation. It’s not about profit margins (because gankers are good enough at math to know that they can farm incursions for a higher income), but about killing out of principle, or because the target is worth so much that it can’t not be killed.

Be thankful; you have no idea how many concessions were given to you over the years. I swear, if you had any idea how EVE was like in 2007, your heads would explode, like in Scanners.

Good change, CCP. It’s about time that tanking got a nerf, and melee ships got a buff. I have a whole lot of friends whose interests will be piqued with this.


Dear CCP,

As a lowsec FC I cannot in good faith not voice a well thought out opinion in the face of such looming changes that overwhelmingly cripple us. My issue is not with the increased damage coming from short range weapons and only mildly with the resist nerfs. No the meat and potatoes of our plight lies with the not very well thought out change to limitation of 1 Capacitor Booster to a fax.

We will begin with the technical details of why this is total folly. No active fax in the game can currently run either its local tank or its remote repairs on 1 capacitor booster alone. Even a buffer fax cannot effectively run its reppers off of the capacitor coming from 1 booster. Compounded by the fact that jumping into combat you begin with less than half your capacitor in the first place. If the enemy even breathes a hint of energy neuts onto you, you are useless to your fleet and are essentially a glorified paper weight. Currently the extreme pressure of incoming dps and incoming neuts can be offset by a technique called inject repping. For those unfamiliar it is basically fighting from zero cap. By injecting boosters from 1 or more injectors and immediately running a module. Relegating faxes to only 1 capacitor booster of any type effectively disables all buffer and active faxes that do not wish to use their slots for capacitor regen.

This circles us back to the old triage fits of CCC rigs, Cap rechargers, and power relays. Shield faxes are practically destroyed with those fits due to the shield booster penalty power relays bestow upon you. Armor faxes become crippled to the point of uselessness for the purpose they were meant to fill. Our current fax fits are capable of tanking structures and work in pairs to tank the structure or the fleet depending on who is primaried. The Cap Regen fits sacrifice far too much to tank what is required in the new engagements one must fight through in EVE and will fold up like paper under the pressure that will come their way. If you implement this change in the manner you have outlined, faxes will be a dead ship. They will have no purpose because they will be so utterly and completely broken and useless in the current game mechanics. IE. Citadel fighting.

You should not go through this change. Faxes are well balanced right now and have hard counters. You can either drop dreads on them, perfect the art of spearfishing to boosh large parts of the enemy fleet off the fax and kill many of them, or you can bring alpha based comps that ignore the immense repping power faxes bring to the table.

Now onto the non-technical reasons why fax change is horrendous. As lowsec entities we rely on the enormous power of fax reps coupled with our quality based doctrines to be the tip of our spear when we MUST win fights. As we bring fewer pilots to the table to often do battle with much larger entities on a regular basis we cannot afford to spare the manpower necessary to bring such a large number of subcap logis nor can we afford to bleed ships in the same manner as larger entities who have dozens of pilots to replace anyone they lose during the battle. Simple math for you, if Wangs has 50 arty machs in fleet and I bleed 10 of them, depending on who and what I am fighting I no longer have the critical mass I need to kill what I need.

This is the lowsec way of war on structure fights. If you implement this change to faxes you will cripple our entire ability to effectively resist larger entities altogether. You cannot tank the enormous firepower brought to bare against us by these groups with subcap logi. You can bring all of the guardians you want, 100 feroxes will annihilate them. Understand that we frequently take these fights with about 10 active faxes on turbo max I need everyone dudes ping. Frequently we find ourselves going into battle with no more than three at a time. They are the battering rams which we rely on to effectively siege large structures such as fortizars and azbels. This is because subcap logi in the numbers we pull are wholly inadequate to the task of tanking both the structure, the enemy fleet, and keeping our own ships alive. Any subcap logi we may bring is meant only as a last ditch effort should horrible circumstances befall upon our faxes. Without this battering ram, we will not be able to take fights or create the content our people desire.

There will undoubtedly be people who say adapt or die and get good, but to you I say this would be the equivalent of CCP stating that Fleet limits for everyone including null blocs are capped at only 20 pilots. RIP movement and fire coordination. Please understand this is such fundamental damage to the only available option we have to fight against overwhelming numbers that we will be absolutely hamstrung to do anything major.

In addition to this capital escalations altogether will drop dramatically. Faxes entering the battlefield are usually to the que to begin a limited escalation of dreads to pressure the faxes which in turn leads to steady escalation that results in all out dread brawls as the battle takes shape. Without trigger why should anyone feel the need to drop dreads?

If this change is implemented in its current iteration you will completely cripple the pirate way of war. We will never be able to creatively defeat the N+1 tactics our enemies employ and our entire quality of life all throughout lowsec will be severely diminished. I humbly ask that you take more time to re-evaluate that portion of the patch and please talk to the leaders of lowsec about this matter directly. Thank you.


Not to disagree with your view. It’s yours from an FC that uses Capitals in lowsec, and it’s valid.

To put a counter view though:

Either more capitals will die, or you won’t undock them and subcap fleets will be more common for inter-group conflict.

As a primarily subcap pilot and FC, that’s a good thing in my book. Almost every time we roam lowsec now, opponents either drop capitals on us immediately, or just when they lose the fight and decide they want to save their subcap ships.

The more capitals that die, the better; and if CCP removed Faxes from the game all together and went back to triage carriers, at least that would provide advantage to the skilled pilots, rather than just providing capital reps at low player skill.

But mostly - there is already an official thread for feedback. Why does this need it’s own thread?


There is an experiment where a frog is put in a pot of water and heated. Its body adapts to the heat and so does not feel a change in its environment. It never realises its predicament before it becomes dead.

Sometimes you are going to get eaten, you do not see it coming and you do not know why.

Such was the attitude for over a decade regarding the toxicity of War Declarations and the impact on early player retention. While a many will be okay, there will be those who are not.

In my part of the world, active tank always dies because of lag.

Since I spend my days in high security space I would trade a %10 bonus to HP to a %10 bonus to local rep or resists any day of the week. Any day…

Show me on the module where the +% to damage bonus is?

Another close minded self centred ignoramus who cares not for the wider health of the game?

CCP have demonstrably failed on a number of occasions to implement changes without significant unintended collateral damage.

Its like a junior soccer game where half the kids just run after the ball kicking it over and over like a mosh pit not caring about working with the rest of their team. PvE is not just for unique snowflakes, unless there is a belief their super umbrella was gifted by rainbow unicorns from the sky.

Especially when CCP does a ‘balance’ pass and a ship becomes OP or its nerfed to point of useless.

Which was beautifully exemplified in that video of the small village in Iceland to represent exactly how many people ‘win’ at eve by leaving it each week.

I used to sit on an alt in Jita and type in local “Will tell joke for 1M ISK”. Sometimes got a buyer. One person sent me 100 million. Another game me 10 to shut up. Good luck PvP’ing me out of that business without having better jokes.

Some areas are exceptionally good at it.

Remember when CCP did a balance pass on all the faction ships because they were getting too cheap? That was beautiful. The more ships cost the better.

The day a PvP fleet is required to support PvE is the day eve is balanced. For now PvE treated like the idiot of the family because there is an oversupply of materials and labour that are unwilling to demand to be paid what they are worth.

Crayons and Butcher’s paper would be awesome.


I have been angry but seemed that CCP do not care about the angry from players. From nerf of mining to FW mission, CCP was too arrogant to hear response from players. They just wana do what they want and players are nothing. I feel so disappoint to CCP now


Removed a large number of off topic posts. Keep it on topic and civil. Next cleanup will result in forum action being taken. Thank you.


It’s not that they’re against those activities, as a large percentage have alts that do these things (industry, pve sites, even mining), what they’re against is those players that do these activities to the exclusion of everything else and then complain when they feel that ‘their way’ of playing is being changed. And it’s only a feeling, cause they’re too lazy or stupid to run some numbers/test different fits to see how the changes will actually affect them.

You see the difference?

Yeah, crap like this, you need to adapt and change. Yes you may need to put more thought into whatever is you enjoy doing, but that’s part of the challenge. But if you think PvE is currently crippled then I don’t know what to tell you… except for, can I have your stuff when you leave?



Did some testing on sisi, my solo shield vindi had the dps to break 2 slaved guardians with damnation reps in 20 volleys, and if for some reason they dont have links, it took me 8 volleys. You effectively only need 8 abaddons to volley a guardian anymore and 2 abaddons ( 1 lvl 5, 1 lvl 4 ) were able to break through 2 guardians with damantion links in around 30 seconds then swap over to the other one and kill it in 3 volleys ( 6 total )