TEST alliance nullsec combat corporation [SPVG] recruiting aggressive pvp pilots

Spartan Vanguard is again selectively recruiting active, dedicated pvp pilots.

SPVG came to life almost three years ago - reforming from one of the oldest corps in Eve -
where I was acting CEO and director for nearly a year. We’ve climbed quickly in corporation pvp standings on Zkillboard. As CEO, I’m proud of what we’re consistently accomplishing in combat operations … day to day, week to week, month to month - as a team. We also have a very healthy industry arm that produces subcaps, caps, supers and titans.

SPVG killboards


What do we require? Willingness to learn, excel and the ability to survive and play smart in nullsec. Bonus points for cap/fax alts. We do not do alarm clock ops, but do expect and encourage active alliance and corp fleet participation and the desire to blow up enemy spaceships. SPVG has a 35m SP requirement, and we ask that you also be able to fly interceptors and have some killboard depth. During the interview, I’ll get a pretty good idea whether you’ll fit in corp, now 450+ strong.

While not a mega-corp, SPVG pulls twice its weight and we’re consistently at the top of TEST Alliance Please Ignore killboards. Zkillboard has listed SPVG in Top 10 corporations for the week many times. We’ve been in the top 20 ranked corporations in weekly charting for two years and are top 100 for all time zkill in under three years.

We have a strong leadership team of directors and sub-directors with years of Eve experience. SPVG is a multifaceted, multicultural corp with pilots from around the globe and a strong EUTZ and USTZ presence. We have a mature player base, but prepare to be sociable, on comms and active on Discord. We don’t accept or keep afk pilots in our ranks, so if you apply, have the time to invest and don’t vanish. We don’t carry dead weight and inflated corp numbers with pilots who haven’t haven’t logged in for ages. I keep an active corp and expect pilots to be active, too. SPVG also offers excellent SRP benefits and other corp rewards and incentives for exceptional pilots, including monthly isk bonuses.

SPVG also has a strong industry base - including titan, super cap and capital ship production - and we provide near at-cost discounts to our pilots, including Rorquals, carriers, dreads, supers and titans; we hold the BPOs. For miners, we have a very competitive corp ore buyback program.

We own two cap production and research rigged Sotiyos, a T2-rigged Tatara and over 40 Fortizars, Astras, Athanors and T2 Raitaru’s in low-sec, Immensea, Catch, Tenerifis, Detorid and Esoteria. We did that together in under two years after coming to TEST with one Astra and 24 billion isk in the wallet. Today, we have over 1 trillion isk of rigged citadels in five regions and this year built and dropped our Keepstar in 0SHT-A in Curse.

My personal philosophy as CEO is this: take care of corpmates and they’ll take care of their corp, where pilots put in extra effort to help each other and work together toward common goals. We have a tight-knit group and many seasoned pilots with the right attitude and drive to excel. In short, we have fun, because if a game isn’t fun with friends and comrades, why play it? Oh, before I forget; another requirement of SPVG … have a thick skin and good sense of humor. We meme, too. We have a definite corp culture and half of this is how well we think you’ll mix with our crazy nerds.

There’s always plenty of content here with TEST Alliance Please Ignore, and we’re always at war somewhere, so there’s lots of pew pew. There’s large-scale alliance fleets, blops and small-gang ops daily. We have corp fleets and corp SRP, too. We also have many solo pvp’ers and always seek more. We’re part of the Legacy Coalition, with space from Catch to Impass, Immensea, Tenerifis, Scalding Pass and Detorid to Esoteria, Feythabolis and Paragon Soul.

Legacy Coalition Map

Do you have what it takes to be a Spartan and part of our team of aggressive pvp pilots? We don’t recruit pilots who feel like they have to pvp. We recruit pilots who want to pvp.

If interested, please join in-game channel Spartan Vanguard for an interview.

Thank you for your consideration.

Fly dangerous.


Daily bump

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