The Argument for War Declaration Changes

Is this your best and new tactic?

Fixating on “should” even though that term is justified as what EVE “should” be by its own design parameters?

Pvp tends to happen more where people live…

Just saying

When it’s a fact then you should be able to link a source. :rofl:

Of course, that’s an opinion, because a fact which is only known by you may not have a verifiable source.

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My opinion? simple, there are plenty of solutions available to solve the multiple problems that all the New Eden baddies create but a large part of the population are not aware or are not interested in learning these solutions. So they get dunked, again and again. And out of boredom and laziness they leave. Restricting PVP in HS won’t change that. Making wardecs and PVP in hisec fun again might.

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Show me a source that states HS, as the most PvP restricted, least PvE lucrative, should have the highest instance of PvP?

He’s not making a claim, you’re making a claim that the opposite is true, ergo you are the one that has to provide a source.

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Watch the EVE Vegas Show. CCP states they want to increase the activity in high-sec.

You can’t ask proof for a supposition :joy:
Wtf is this guy

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Salvos, but dumber.


He claimed its not so.

Where is his evidence? Or yours?

And where’s yours that the opposite it true?

In fact, Salvos, where has your proof ever been?

Fried implants or veldspar intoxication?

He hasn’t made any claim at all, he suggested that your claim is an opinion, not fact.

You tried to put words into his mouth with a facetious counterclaim, and have subsequently dug your own personal little hole a bit too deep.

Deal with it.

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Mining laser induced hypnotoad syndrome.


He has made many, many claims.

Show me evidence that it is intended HS, with the most PvP restrictions, and the least PvE rewards, is incurring the most instances of PvP.

Inb4 I didnt say so, I just supported a fellow troll cos this is good for us and the rest of the game be damned.

You wrote that, not him.

Game over, please insert 501 PLEX to continue.


Oh Salvos…
Sweet summer child

@Solstice_Projekt see :smiley:

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Yeah, saw that coming.

Oh, there’s no cure for that.