The Argument for War Declaration Changes

We could discuss them as from a single post.
I didnt spam 5 posts with one question each.

In other words, you wont answer them because they wreck you and show you for what you are. Nothing in either quesion is “unfriendly”, nor are you a friend of mine anyways.

You mean “who you are”.

No, I mean what you are, as what you stand for in your interests and are trying to hide by increasingly desperate and extreme measures.

And it would be “whom” you are.

No. I’m a person, not a thing.

This discussion is over. You’re too full of hate.

I have no hate for you.
Do you for me?

You are what what you believe in.
You’ve stated those.

I have no idea who you are IRL, nor is that relevant here.
All that matters is what you have said here, as that character.

Ive called you on those beliefs, and you again used cheap tricks to evade answering them.

Facts are what they are.
Its stupid and backwards that HS has more PvP than Player NS, when it should be the opposite considering sector mechanics and PvE profits from them.

Opinions are not facts. You stated that there is more pvp in HS than in NS. That’s a fact that we can check and i won’t refute your claim if it’s backed by figures. But saying it’s “stupid and backwards” is an opinion. And a stupid one because you are unable to see the logical path that leads to the “there’s more pvp in hs” fact. More defenseless people means more preying on those people. That’s simple and logic but you brain cannot compute that. Ewar modules radiations have jammed your implants.


This isnt about opinion.
Its about facts and how EVE is built.

Do you agree that the most of PvP happening in Player NS, not in HS, is for the best of the game and according to the design concept of EVE?

Thats not happening now. Its ass-backwards.



Got it?


Boredom is the real ennemy, not wardecs or ganking.

When HS, with the most restricted PvP and the lowest PvE rewards, has more instance of PvP than Player NS, which has no PvP restrictions and the highest PvE rewards, thats a real problem that needs to be fixed to reverse the situation.

Thats a fact.

Inb4 nullbears claiming otherwise.

No. Opinion. Karmafleet, CODE. Gimme da Loot, Pirat, Marmite and others say no. you see, opinion.


What I see, is “we are exploiting a broken system and we like it”.

And that is their opinion, and yours, so as to refute and fight against change against your interest for the better of the game.

You find it broken: opinion.
Concord time reaction -> fact
ways to benefit from that -> fact
good or bad -> opinion


It’s not disproportionate when you look at it on per capita basis; you simply can’t ignore population density when discussing death rates, or crime rates for that matter.

Statistics about a population generally being dealt with on a per capita (or multiple thereof) basis.


@Proteus_Onzo I think you should just stick to your opinion, and state it as such.

It’s often said that “statistics can be used to say anything.” You, here, have been a shining example of this. It’s not so much that careful and comprehensive statistical analysis can be used to say anything - such can only give insight. It’s that single statistics, without proper context, can be found to support whatever it is that you want to say. And that is what you have been doing here… cherry-picking single statistics that support your argument.

Worse, I don’t think you understand what a fact is at all…


Player NS, with no PvP restrictions and the greatest PvE rewards, should have far higher instance per capita of PvP than HS with the highest PvP restrictions and the lowest PvE rewards.

This is not an opinion.
This is a design fact integral to the EVE concept.



So HS as the most PvP restricted sector and with the lowest PvE rewards should have the highest rate of PvP?

Is that your “opinion”?

Again, disqualified.


Do you know what per capita means?
Do you know what percentage of players are in hisec, nullsec, whspace and losec at any one time?

It is entirely probable that, on a per capita basis, hisec actually has less explodey PvP than anywhere else; despite accounting for circa 20% of all deaths, because it’s the most densely populated area of the game.