The Case for Catizstag - irrelevant Amarr Militia drama

Now now, don’t knock it until you try it.

Well, entropy will have its way. Please don’t mess with entropy, we kind of need it for all kinds of things. The universe, for one.

I knew being judgmental was a Divine quality. I have several sainthoods coming, I think.


Goonswarm are a significant nullsec capsuleer superpower, and Arrendis is a highly valued member.


Oh this clap trap again. For the record it has never been proven that I am a heretic. This was very diligently scrutinised with PIE providing a significant input into requesting this scrutiny, of which I am thankful to them - and I passed under the patronage of King Khanid and the Order of St. Tetrimon. I am as pure and orthodox an Amarrian as someone brandishing a document as proof from a psychiatrist of their sanity!

For the record, the Amarrian religion always had blood related rites dating back before starflight. This is not heresy. It is culture and tradition. The dreadful heresy of the Blood Raiders (and who has actually really met one… I suspect they are an invented or greatly exaggerated threat to increase the power and social position of the leadership of the Theology Council, corruption as an art form made manifest…) is not a real threat. The true threat to the Amarrian faith and way of life is weakness within our ranks. An acceptance of the unexceptional as something to be aspired to.

This is the motivation for why we must cleanse the ranks of the militia regularly. It is not some petty “awoxing”, it is a calling, a strengthening of the faith and bringing unity through strength. From this great work, comes a donation of yes, blood that we give to a better cause. The cause of something greater than self. Our faith.

Stop this divisive name calling, of accusations and get back to the work of collection brothers and sisters. In performance of our duty the select arise to become recognised as Savants, individuals who move our species forward with purpose. Collect donations or donate yourself, it matters not. We give.


Even the wayward and liberal Theology Council has not managed to excise the most holy of holy passages from the Amarr Scriptures:

For five years Amash-Akura battled his enemies, wielding Scepter and Crown, and he did triumph in the end. Molok the Deceiver was brought before him in chains and sacrificed on the altar of God;

Sacrifice upon the Altar of God. We must continually represent this blessed moment; we must continually make sacrifices upon the Altar of God.


That is an exception.

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Samira, the former slave, trying to tell a Holder’s daughter that she knows scripture better than anyone. Now she represents and speaks from on high of the entirety of Amarr’s Empyrean wing. She is PIE’s most faithful servant, and surely their most valued idol…truly she speaks with righteousness and seeks the spiritual. Surely this humble immigrant from Minmatar lands must be the next prophetess then! Oh well what other religious proclamations would you make, Samira? Would you have us stop slaying the Minmatar? Is that what God wants?

“Rejoice, o chosen of God”
For our blood fills this Valley of Death,
Proclaiming our sacrifice to God,
And he shall raise it up for all time"

  • The Scriptures, Saint Junip 15:11

Would you contradict scripture then Samira? Whenever I shed my blood it is a sacrifice to the Lord. Whenever I shed the blood of the Minmatar the blood on my sword proclaims my righteousness to the Lord, and it is a sacrifice according to the very definition of the word in every language. Our Lord created a physical universe, and filled it with sanguine life, the embodiment and tool of his glorious plan, though clearly it isn’t to your liking.

Would you have us achieve the Reclamation some other way? Through peace, perhaps? Through forgiveness? Perhaps you’d like to proclaim all equal in the eyes of the Lord, like Maximilian Singularity, seeing as though you feel so entitled to raise yourself so highly above my station. It is through the Reclamation that victory will be achieved.

I do not seek truth in spirit alone. I seek truth in the scriptures and find solace in the Reclamation - which means bloodshed, constantly and daily on the holy fields of the Bleak Lands. I do not bother myself with questions of why, or ornate and decadent reasons which the slaves call “politics” and “social justice.” There is only the Lord and the scriptures. Anything else is heresy.

My actions are done in the name of Light. Yours seem to be in the name of peace and pious appearances. How nice.

There is no higher calling than the Reclamation and all called to it are blessed in the eyes of the Lord. That’s what my mother and father taught me, on our ancient homeworld in Amarr, but I think it’s very clear what kind of watered down “Amarr” faith Samira was taught at home, in Republican space.

I thank God every day that I don’t fall prey to this meek version of our great faith, so that I can have the strength to protect our borders and keep our ancient and sacred traditions safe from those who would dilute and pollute them with slave heresy. I only pray now that the Order of St. Tetrimon can save us when these meek slaves that have clearly infiltrated Amarr make their move to revise the scriptures so that they outlaw the most basic tenets of our faith.

These souls we reclaim in sacrifice are offered up to God alone, and it is no minor triviality or a political bargaining chip that the squeamish or fearful can offer up to our enemies. Disgusting infidels like Arrendis or Mizhara, who do not even recognize God.

You Amarr know what happens when God’s word is not obeyed! Or did we rise from Athra on our own merits now? I will have none of this revisionist scripture that is to come. If you think it isn’t already here…just look at the so-called “Max Amarria” - this is heresy, and this is the soft, peaceful, whittled down Amarr faith that the Minmatar and Gallente would except - a faith that is devoid of the word of the Lord!

A manu dei e tet rimon!


Hey, Golden, when I suggested you tone it down and “add sparkles” I didn’t mean you should just slap a sparkly heart at the end of the same exact sort of stuff…


There is nothing in that Scripture quotation about the valley being filled with anyone else’s blood but the “ours” of the Amarr people and the “ours” alone. The only sacrifice acceptable it would seem is self sacrifice, but you went on a completely different tangent about the sacrifice of other’s blood, offered up as spoils. Please provide further justification for such an interpretation, Golden Serpent.


Awww, lookit you, trying to be clever.

Go back to the smoothie suggestions. At least they were useful.


The Golden Serpent is a Khanid, and thus, if she is a Holder’s legitimate daughter, then, she is the daughter of a 3rd class Holder, as everyone well knows, that the order of precedence for Holders goes Amarr > Udorians > Khanid > Ni-Kunni.

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Little sister, busy preaching to the peasants

just wait til father hears about your latest ■■■■ up

The other thing they taught us - don’t teach the deeper secrets to the lower classes,they don’t need them. All they need is scripture and hard labor to the Amarr.
Bet I still get in less trouble than you for this post

Attacking Samira ■■■■■■■ Kernher, the darling of the Amarr militia. What’d you do to piss her off so much, steal her boyfriend!?! Ahahahahahah is it Ravana?! God you’re disgusting even I don’t sleep with slaves.

Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee . . . . .

I don’t know man, “survival of the fittest”, “the strong rule”, “the weak sink to the bottom”, or however you feel like paraphrasing is a pretty core tenant of the Sani Sabik.

Clearly wasn’t grammar or sentence structure.

If your father has any respect for language he’ll have you executed.


If this is what passes for fellow capsuleer scions of Nobility in public discourse about our religion something terribly shameful has happened.


It’s been a slowly encroaching problem for a while, now, I think. I’d argue it’s a side effect of capsuleers being unwilling to not support blooders or pirates, instead going to their parties, celebrations, or otherwise whatever that’s owned by said blooders and pirates. One may presume that the same sort of phenomenon occurs with ideas of the Faith – especially unrestricted ideas.


I suggest a complete purge of all Holder families who’s Lord and Lady are more closely related than second cousins.


Hey you know how my family became holders? By killing little upstarts like you. Not by writing ■■■■ on some message board. Come to my planet and I’ll show you why I’m a holder, and you’re a slave.

Or you can just wait til we find you. Were good at that…it’s in our blood. Sacred flesh and all…God wills it and flesh obeys

“I am not a blood raider,” edeity says. But he sets Omir Sarikusa, one of the greatest heretics in the history of the Empire and Amarr’s most wanted criminal, on a pedestal.

“I am not a blood raider,” edeity says. But he wants to be recognized as a savant, a belief exclusive to the Sani Sabik and one that has no place in Amarr.

“I am not a blood raider,” edeity says. But he sought the remains of the fallen in the Succession Trials to use in blood rites.

With the same mouth you try to deny the accusations, you admit to them. Your “culture and traditions” were declared as heresy and banned thousands of years before any of us were born.

You are protected from retribution because you are a capsuleer. You can preach this filth and be safe from the Cleansing Pits only because you are a capsuleer. But CONCORD laws and cloning will not protect you and your supporters from divine judgment. For all your desires of savanthood, Eventually you will die, and you will face God, and he will cast you from his sight as the leech you are.


Empty bluster like this makes me glad you’re not in Karmafleet anymore.


You’ve never met an upstart like me sweetie :kissing_heart:

