The Chat Bubble Meltdown: Really Guys?

I dont see why youd need to, if the ruse worked then it should look like the ridiculous last-decision-on-a-friday choice that they made.

And even if it was, we may never find out as that would set a precedent.

This person does not exist. They had to right click last week and they did it just fine. Why do so many people invent this hyper retarded drooling jellyfish of a person in order to make their points?

There’s a big difference between what CCP might think people need and what people actually need, and inventing a person that actually does need this kind of thing to be implemented ironically lends support to the notion that implementing this kind of thing is needed.

So yeah, don’t do that. It simply isn’t needed at all, by anyone.

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Just to be clear, I don’t think such a person exists either. It was mere sarcasm.

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  1. They exist, sadly, and one form of such people is the one that scans through posts and only responds based on patterns, without thoughts behind it. Such people really exist, and it doesn’t matter if you think they don’t.

  2. Their oh-so-reality-mirroring metrics told them that people aren’t communicative enough and couldn’t figure out how to contact others, so they “thought” this out and implemented it, showing that whoever came up with it doesn’t have any clue about the social dynamics in this game.

I’m not going to bother looking for the post on reddit where this has been mentioned. You’re free to believe it, or not believe it. The outcome is the same. I don’t mean to be dismissive, sorry, but it really changes nothing.

It’s fine Yellow honestly. I know how concrete your opinions are on this particular subject.

I do think perhaps you should consider the paradox created by trying to complain about the existence of something like these chat bubbles while at the same time providing irrefutable evidence of the need for something like these chat bubbles.

Eseentialy this sends the following message to CCP:

‘Hey CCP, we don’t like this change because we don’t need it and it’s insulting to our intelligence, but there are hundreds of new potential customers with no intelligence who do need it’

They either do what you say you need or they do what you say all those other people need.

Which way do you expect them to jump with a contradictory message like that?

Wouldn’t a better message be NO ONE needs this? :thinking:

I just think you muddy your message and risk inadvertantly undoing your own hard work. If the message was a clear NO ONE needs this, then perhaps it wouldn’t be implemented, then perhaps the people that do need it (assuming for a second that you are correct and they do exist) would not play EVE (your primary goal I believe) because of it’s absence. Goal achieved.

That would imply CCP cares about actually doing something serious with the game, instead of recent changes that imply something else. I would gladly see WIS being worked on and our feedback taken into account, instead of people talking about chatbubbles because there is nothing more interesting to argue about. :disappointed:


Aahhh i get it now.

See, from my perspective, the absolutely last thing we need is more of these people. They’re not even close to potential customers, really, despite CCP wanting them because they’re easy to milk. They don’t fit into this game! They’re self entitled, they whine, they demand, they lie, they’re dumb,they spread ■■■■■■■■ and they will not ever stop being immature children!

It’s literally the people you see crying on the forums about “evil sociopaths”, about how the free stuff they’re not paying for isn’t enough, how great the game is for it’s freedom as long as it’s MY freedom and not someone elses (see the snowflake thread), and so on and so forth … times ten thousand (!), because CCP deliberately attracts them, effectively killing the game from the inside, turning it into a shadow of its former glory!

I am not exaggerating this. Saying that more players is good, while ignoring that the quality of the player matters, is like saying “more types of food is good, even if it’s just artificial crap without a shred of anything natural inside.” Sure, it gets you filled, but it will also make you ill until it kills you eventually.

There is no contradiction. These people don’t belong here, and they themselves provide the evidence for this thought. Clueless upper management doesn’t get it though, all they see is numbers and metrics, with no actual sight of what is really going on.


The CSM has several purposes:

  1. PR gimmick; CCP made a big deal about being the first MMO to allow a player-elected council to have “stakes” in the development of the game, and to “influence” design decisions. The CSM members quickly found out that they don’t really have much influence though, despite all the stuff that’s been boasted for the benefit of the gaming news sites out there.

  2. Summarize player opinion. CCP doesn’t have time to read through all the ■■■■ that we post on the forums, and it’s the CSM’s job to compile lists of WTF we want. They’re Google. Well, Siri, actually.

  3. Give a first reaction to some of the changes that CCP makes to the game. They’re under NDA to not talk about what they see, and CCP invites them over and watches their reaction as they unveil the awesome chat bubble buttons and Agency changes that they’re planning to make. If the reaction is positive, they make note of it. If the reaction is negative, they ignore it and release the stuff anyway.



That’s the funniest thing I have ever seen.
He should get The Nobel Prize for that.

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Grr mad. Throws Toys out of the Crib

This whole spasm seems like knee jerking responses because players haven’t gotten things RIGHT NOW. A game of this span takes time, and yes that means it might take years or even a decade to cover everyone’s wants.

Yes the Chat Bubble is a useless addition that probably took a few hours of effort to implement during side-project time. But get over yourselves, it sucks, crying and calling out CCP is still childish.


CCPs incompetence knows no bounds.

Remember “Adapt or Die”? Yeah… good times.


You forgot the fluoride in the water. o7

Adapt to reduced requirements, barriers to entry and casualized mechanics? Oh no, how will I ever survive.

That’s understandable. I’m just not that invested in the minor details of the Agent Finder as some of the other players around here who obviously depended on it. It’s probably because of my nomadic lifestyle in New Eden that I didn’t really care for all of its features.

:slight_smile: In recent months, I’ve also been playing more that way, myself (combat sites, escalations, that sort of thing), so mission-running hasn’t been as much of a priority. However, nowadays missions for me are not about ISK, but about specific goals such as grinding reputation, or LP for a specific goal - this means that when I DO run missions, I generally need to be able to run some pretty specific searches, which ar e now either not possible, or absurdly convoluted. So I am in a position to appreciate/understand (hell, not just understand, but keenly feel) the handicap imposed on mission-runners.

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If they add an option to remove the bubble most will be good in the world again, but as is it’s in the way.

Because 2 clicks was too hard apparently and needed streamlining to one, and ■■■■ loads of really annoying screen clutter instead of that other click.

:facepalm: Quadruple :facepalm: Inverted :facepalm: Facepalm :facepalm:

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It was actually easier before because you could do eveything with keyboard shortcuts, i.e. Alt + J for a list of expeditions, which opened instantly, without loading time (unlike the agency). (This particular shortcut still works because they had to reenable it because the agency doesnt show expeditons properly.)

Now we have to deal with this big, slow interface which takes like 10s to load on older computers.
All i need is a simple list …
