The Darkness Beckons: Join Marche au Supplice Today!

(US/EU) Marche au Supplice is an old school nullsec start-up Formally S3XY looking to make its mark in Eve Based in the Syndicate region. looking for Hungry and willing players to learn and Grow. Newbro friendly real life first eve second!

‘Nothing is truth: Everything is Permitted’

We offer:

*Training and Fitting assistance

*Ore buyback 85% Scrap and loot 75%

*Ship replacement program

*Small scale mining

*Small Gang Pvp/Pve

  • A network of players looking to help you on your journey through eve.

Area of operation.





Like what you see? join our discord and put in a ticket! or check out our partner corps within The alliance.

We require

-:Scouting Capability or willingness to train

-Teamwork / Sharing experiences

  • T3C Capability or willingness to train

  • SeAT registration

  • Ability to use discord/voice comms

Our Discord: The Burning Contingent

“If YOU flourish, so does the corp/alliance”

Recruitment still open!

Recruitment still open!

Recruitment still open!

Recruitment still open!

Recruitment still open!

Recruitment still open

join our lord and savior

Recruitment still open!

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