The EVE Online Ecosystem Outlook

No, a Ratter hasn’t even invested half of the time or effort that a Mission Runner has invested.

As for scripts, don’t know why you’re including that in the reply since it can be applied to most any in-game content.

Anyway, there’s much more instances of mission / exploration site invasion done in High Sec (or Low Sec) than in Null Sec.

What I see here is you reaching for any excuse whatsoever to justify having even more nerfs imposed upon High Sec content. All done in an attempt to keep CCP’s attention focused upon High Sec instead of the massive risk free ISK printing content available in Null Sec.

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Of course they have. Over the course of any given hour of gameplay, both have invested an hour. Both have had to set up their ships for the content. And in both cases, the effort’s pretty damned minimal.

Because I’m making the point that pretty much any in-game content can be scripted, to head off objections (from others) of ‘but the ratter is just botting!’ since we both know mission running gets botted, too.

Nope. I don’t see much need for highsec to be nerfed. I just want CCP to avoid trying to balance any one section of space in isolation. All of it needs to be considered as a whole, with an eye toward how it all fits together, and how they interact.

And CCP needs to know those things. The devs need to get out there and actually experience the gameplay, in a more than cursory manner. before they attempt to balance it.

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Sorry, but why?
If they aren’t able to connect to it, Why The F are they getting tracked by it.
They are turning a transponder on for their enemy to track them? That’s just silly. You can’t have your cake and eat it too.

I don’t see how you can make that comparison, standings are required to access high level missions which means Mission Runners invest a lot more time, effort and ISK compared to Ratters.

On this I fully agree with you 100%.

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Standings are a one time cost as long as you aren’t a moron and hardly take that long to get.
Lets not get silly about pretending standings are an issue

Never said it’s an issue, just said that Mission Runners invest more time, effort and ISK than Ratters do…

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They’re connected to the fluid router system to communicate. Or they’d lose all chat channels. So yeah, in effect, they are.

Standings are simple to get, though, and don’t take much time at all. You can be running L4s in under a week.

But they clearly aren’t connected to ‘Your’ router, since they don’t have your local, so again. No.

Yeah, I’m going to question this as as unreferenced claim. Mission runners turn up, run some missions, and are running level 4’s very fast. Ratters have a set up time & effort too.

Under that logic, people could opt out of being findable by locators. Just because they can’t access the services provided by the local router doesn’t mean they’re not automatically connecting to it. Kinda like how your phone automatically pings all the towers around, even from other networks.

Still a lot more time, effort and ISK compared to a Ratter who can be running high level anomalies within a day.

As I already stated above, Mission Runners have to invest a lot more than Ratters do. For you to say otherwise tells me you’re just disagreeing with me out of spite.

As such there’s no reason for me to continue this discussion.


You made a claim above, you’ve provided no evidence backing it with regards to the levels of effort each goes through. It’s not spite to question an assertion with no evidence.

I’m not going to post an itemized list to show the difference, anybody who’s been playing this game for any amount of time knows it. You’re sadly mistaken if you think that the time, effort and ISK invested by a Mission Runner is the same as a Ratter.


So go and get an entire ratting setup out to Null then please. And not the easiest to get to Null spot.
Remembering that your set up has to include spare ships since losing your ship ratting is a likelyhood given enough time. Unlike mission runners.

lol, yeah if all else fails, just move the goalposts. Nobody said anything about transporting equipment or traveling to different sectors of space.

Mission Runners have the same risk of that happening as well.

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Now let’s add in the time when mission runners need to avoid hunting groups.

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Given that you wanted to reference having to get standings to run level 4’s, that clearly says you are including set up effort & time in your claims.
Ratters have to move ships as part of their setup, which means if you want to include standings as part of your claim, you have to include that as well.

Also LMAO!
Mission runners do not have the same risk as ratters of being killed.
Again, lets not be silly about these claims.

No-one here is saying mission runners don’t actually put a little effort in, but you are vastly understating the effort a ratter puts in.

Dude, stop moving the damn goalposts. Location logistics isn’t part of the topic, there’s Ratters in High Sec as well. By the way, don’t forget there’s also Mission Runners operating in Null Sec too.

Seriously, I can’t believe that you think Mission Runners and Ratters both invest the same amount of time, effort and ISK to perform their chosen content.


Ok, you seriously want to pretend that ratters in highsec are a relevant part of this discussion? As in ratters and not sig hunters, who absolutely put far more effort in than mission runners.
Now you have gone off in the deep end.

Sorry, guys, gonna have to bow out for a while. More important ■■■■ than video games happening where my sister lives.


The only time when cloaky camping was balanced was when cynos could be fitted to all ships. The counterplay was active defence. Who would have thunk that taking away features had rippling effect on other aspects of the game :sunny:

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