The Like and Get Likes thread III

And now after settling this controversial topic, I am going to sleep. Nighties lovelies!

Also: the first of the new Meteosat 3rd Generation satellites has been launched…

I remember being a child and thinking how cool it was to have satellites taking pictures of clouds from space so we could predict weather with 1980’s accuracy. Now people barely think of this technology and probably many younger people won’t even knwo there are weather satellties from a family called Meteosat and they’ve been around for decades.


Wow, someone actually listened to a focus group.


I was wondering about Elon Musk and the world hunger solving thingy:

Elon Musk wanted to see their plan.
…and I say: If WFP wants to make a proper plan, they should hire the three men in the image below to form a solid plan with lots of safeguards. :grin:


Wow. Never thought I’d have to remove posts from a LAGL post, but here we are. Removed some inappropriate posts. Stick to English, it’s written right over there in the rules, and in fact, if you could just follow all the rules, that’d be swell. Remember that the thread creator is notified of any post made, and in this case, that’s me. Thanks!


First time for everything eh


Time to go to sleep… nighties lovelies!

Also: well, this one is complicated…

I’ve been reading about dynamic soar here on Earth, with wind and an atmosphere, and kind of get how the authors suggest using electromagnetic “sails/wings” to interact with the particles from crashing stellar winds and eventually move faster than those “winds”… up to 2% of c or 6.000 km/s (that would be 10x faster than actual stellar winds, a gain achievable on Earth with atmospheric winds).

Even at that speed, a interstellar probe to the Centauri system would take well over 200 years to arrive there, and its data would then spend 4+ years to reach us.

Space is BIG…


Watch how people cook and eat in japanese


That’s truly impressive, Yiole! :exploding_head:
What I suggest is, educating a group of young students in a partially secluded environment, giving them tools and insolvable problems, such as “teleportation” for homework and not telling them they are insolvable.
Those kids would soon pull off a George Dantzig, undoubtedly. :thinking:



I heard some people could build a “teleportation” machine, but it would be in fact a cloning machine and send data to build clone far away, and the original would be destroyed because its the only way to make it work, and that would be a secret. Secretly killing a lot of people just to “teleport” them. Of course nobody could ever know it, as copy would be completely the same as original.

That thing could be made unintentionally even.


Wait. which one is real? Is any of them real?

Watch the best football defence in the world

AI made this:

The rest of Dune in style of Giger, made by AI.
Tron by AI, in style of Jodorowsky.

Are you scared?
I am a bit…

Because this was made by Frank Frazetta:

And it looks to me like made by AI now…


Dude, he REALLY likes his pho broth! :grin:

I too love broth. And soup. And herbal teas. And similar stuff I call generally “dirty water”.

And now i’m off to bed, like an hour after having my nightly herbal tea which (supposedly) relaxes and enables a good rest but then it just meets the wreck of my sleep…

Nighties lovelies!

Also: AI generates them, but a human curates them later… painstakingly.

AI don’t think. They meet their reward criteria based on human feedback. Is it a good image? Is it bad? AI doesn’t knows anymore than a million chimps typing on a million typewriters for a million years could know which of them typed Hamlet.

I wonder what will be left of amateur creativity once any stupid prompt to any stupid AI may generate a better looking -if mediocre and irrelevant- piece of art. It might look like art, but it won’t be art, not even bad art from an amateur artist learning a hobby. And AIs will be even worse for commercial art: the sole reason to exist of “art AI” is so corporations save money on commercial art. Why pay for a small team of people when an AI might create an image of your clothing on a nice looking lady and call it a day?


What is thinking tho?

A.I. principle of work is the same way as in brain, its learning using datasets and neural networks.

The scale differs tho, and complication of mechanism. Human brain still is more complicated and is a bigger scale version of neural network we build and call A.I. Brain evolution was made by living things evolving in environment. A.I. is doing the same basically, only human gives datasets, instead of environment dictating what will work.

I think A.G.I. comes soon, and then all hell will break loose. Because we will get a thinking machine capable of the same things as human, mentally, even with emotions. Then nobody will be able to say that thinking is only reserved for humans. :brain: + :robot: = :thinking:

It will not be needed, well its already not needed. as I see people using A.I. generated pictures for their videos on You Tube.
It speeds up things for them in visuals. Creator will still have to make a coherent video with fitting image in case of you tube.

A.I. is like machine slave for us now, we treat is like its robots, and slaves make work faster and cheaper.

Robots make more stuff faster, and replace human in some degree. With your own A.G.I. treated the same you could become a real master of minds, that would produce a lot in a short time.
Imagine one man studio with A.G.I making works like Star Wars movies in short time maybe even. Of course when A.G.I. slave for hours using lots of electricity from grid.


Hi Nana! Maybe you would like to meet for coffee after work, I would show you what Artificial Intelligence does basically the same as a human, but what does it do completely differently?


AI don’t think. They imitate through algorithms some kinds of stuff we do by thinking, but AIs don’t think, just do what we tell them to do and then we give them some ability to improve what they do -without knowing what they do any more than our computers know arithmetics when they add two numbers.

No matter what fancy names we give to them, it’s just number crunchers crunching numbers. Electrons going one way or another, zero or one. AI are not inteligent. They do in a number cruncher way what we tell them to do so they imitate a tiny piece of what our brain does -just one thing at a time, and in a limited way.

And now I’m off to sleep. Nighties lovelies!

Also: there’s an extra hole on a Soyuz capsuel…

…and it’s causign trouble. The cause of the coolant leak still isn’t determined, but so far it looks like withotu coolant the capsule is heating up to the maximum acceptable temperature of 30º C, which is quite above the operational temperature threshold of 15-20º C. It is unclear whether Soyuz MS-22 will be able to be used to return its crew back, or what could be done if MS-22 is no longer fit for flight. Also having crew aboard the ISS without their lfieboat capsule is not good…


Just look at the images generated above, the results are not different to what human can do, in some ways exceeding even experienced humans.
It doesnt end there.

If emulation will be virtual, it doesnt matter, I stand in opinion that mind can be simulated with neural networks algortihms, when we will get even more knowledge about brain especially. With neural ntworks you can simulate everything neural with enough computing power, but using A.I. algorithms that evolve fast will speed things up, especially with help of humans and other A.I… It will be omitting the millions of years of evolution when we direct it towards the goal which is human brain like activity, like A.I. omits years of learning, by processing power boost.

It is possible. But do we need it? It may not be pursued from ethical point of view, like we dont clone humans. Why we would need more consciousness in the universe? Maybe that consciousness development would be a reason to fear that it can surpass us? :thinking:

While we already use A.I. like slaves, its only because they dont “think” while activity of neural networks is evident. Its like taking piece of a brain and using it for some purpose. What purpose we have for more conscious slaves, that could then free themselves? :thinking:


but seriously, generated in one A.I., and then put to another A.I.:


The eyes are the windows to the soul!

Sewiously, those look like for cover of the audio tracks also generated by A.I.


Argentina won the world cup. GGWP.

Good night.


Personally I think that we are not even close to create artificial intelligence. First, because we don’t know what intelligence is. But also because when all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail. Our computers based on electronic switching are the only way we have to try and imitate intelligence, and so we use it with that goal.

But ti doesn’t means electronic switching devices are the right tool for the job. We might be trying to fly to space with a sail ship, and we keep improving the sails and lightening the hull and all sorts of stuff… but what we need to go to space are high explosive fuels, advanced metallurgy, a thorough knowledge of aerodynamcis and a thousand things more not related to sailboats.

Maybe in the future people will look at our AI and say “those brutish primitives tried to build itnelligence by switching electron flow on and off… an were so proud of themselves! And so scared! LEL!!”

Maybe we are even worse at our attempts to AI than Babagge and his attempt to build the “analytic engine” with cogs and rods…

We only have a hammer, electronic switches, in our toolbox. I feel electron switches are not the right tool to replicate intelligence even if we figured what intelligence is.

And now i’m off to bed. Nighties lovelies!

Also: I never heard of this company before…

…and I kind of wonder whether they’re on solid ground or just testing a uncharted road to failure. They’re pretty secretive and obtaining Helium 3 is no bloody joke.

Nuclear fusion was a technology that was 30 years in the future at 1976 projected spending. Actual spending has never been above 40% of that figure and often has been closer to 15-20%. And it’s understandable, nobody wants to be the fool that spends 2 billion to build a experimental facility and figure what promising concept doesn’t works… Nobody is the wiser of what is right and what is damn stupid in this uncharted territory. Maybe the future will laugh at our stellarators, or at Helion’s concept…