The most important issues in EvE

While CCP didn’t make any new content for me personally, they did a lot of new content actually. This statement, although it is quite popular one, is a blatant lie.

As of too high? Then you would be right. If you think the rewards are too low in highsec then you are delusional or you don’t know what or how to do stuff to earn good ISK.

Ah well, now I get this. Someone told you that mining is good way to earn ISK or fun to do and you believed him and now you are mad because it is not true and basically never was. Mining can be very profitable, but the interesting ISK/h rates requires multiboxing dozen of chars with Orca. If you mine solo, at least get into fleet with someone who has Orca or better, stop aspiring to be a bot and start actually playing the game by inserting more input that target and F1/F2 once per 15 minutes. Try PVE, you can farm your 500 PLEX you so need much quicker doing that.

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Many eve player do though.

Personally I think the design of the combat system is garbage but thats nothing to do with balance or content, which is what you claimed to be complaining about.

My Top3 Topics:

  • Structures: Citadels are a mess. On all fronts.
  • Alpha Accounts should be just trials to test the game, but not impact it.
  • HighSec is too lucrative for the convenience and security it provides.

My changes:

  • Citadels need an orbital body to be anchored on: Keepstars can only be anchored at a Star, Fortizars can be anchored ad Planets and Stars, Astrahus can be anchored at Moons, Planets and Stars. That would limit the number of citadels per system and give people a reason to fight over these places, also a reason to remove all the old unused POS sticks.

  • They get a limited auto-defense to prevent people reinforcing them easily when they attack out of timezone and no one is there. 2.5k DPS peak passive shield recharge for Astrahus, 5k for Fortizars, 10k for Keepstars. 1k random target DPS for Astra, 2k for Forti, 4k for Keepstar. Halved values for the industrial Citadels. this would force any attacker to at least bring a reasonable gang when attacking a Citadel, while still not be a big problem to overcome in an organized attack.

  • Core drops 50/50 like all other stuff does. Salvage amount is greatly increased.

  • Alpha Accounts: should not have access to any T2, Navy or Pirate ships or modules. Their SafetySetting should be locked green so they cannot harm paying customers, not even in groups. They should be able to fly around, check out different activities and learn basic techniques and mechanics but they should never be lucrative or have a meaningful impact long term (at least not even remotely comparable to any Omega Activity). And if the player likes what he sees and wants more, go pay for the game in PLEX or hard cash.

  • 25% Empire tax to all HighSec Activities (not lowering outputs, but a TAX so people actually SEE money vanishing from their wallets every time they earn some). Applies to all Bounties, Rewards, SalesTax, BrokerFees, InstallJobs, POCO Fees, ReprocessingTax, whatever you can imagine it costs 25% more in HighSec.

  • in 1.0 Security Systems: no Abyssals
    In 0.9 Security Systems: only T0 Abyssals
    in 0.8 Security Systems: only T0-T1 Abyssals
    in 0.7 Security Systems: only T0-T2 Abyssals
    in 0.6 Security Systems: only T0-T3 Abyssals
    in 0.5 Security Systems: only T0-T4 Abyssals

  • nerf ganking :slight_smile:


If Ganking were to be buffed, then perhaps a nerf of High Sec income could be acheived more easily? :wink:


I needed to feel better about myself, so it was kinda cool comming here and reading so many stupid things from almost everybody else.

Thank you all, my self confidence increased a lot now.

And that is your opinion

Just because you’ve diluted yourself into thinking it’s a fact, doesn’t actually make it one.

Common man, wake up. Learn how to have a coherent logical discussion.


The fact that people keep looking for things that are wrong.


It’s easy to focus on the negative and lack.

Total paradigm shift here.

What are things that you’re grateful for and enjoy in EvE?

That my Omega PLEX time runs out next week and I can quit before the new “expansion” hits.


I see what you did there

finger guns

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i look around at the number of long term players in EVE and accept that the complexity and nuances of the game keep interest over time.
i look at the number that have left the game over bad implementations and updates and recognize that CCP generally doesnt understand how we play. this is sad
I look at the focus on graphics over gameplay and see very little value for effort and increased cost.
there is no one thing that will fix or destroy EVE. We all have our pain points. we will play as long as we have friends in game in spite of the issues.
If i were to change one thing. Give us a cursor sizing option.

They said its only for people in game since at least 2008

This algorithm needs to make up its mind about how many views this thread is getting. 450, 2 hours ago, now its down to 250.

Aura: “Don’t look here Plebeian, nothing to see here. Please return to your programming and consume product.”

The most important issue in Eve is not the game but the Capsuleers who go outside the core nature of the game in demanding strikes and or log outs. I don’t want the lights to be turned out as I am scared of the dark. Keep loggin in on December 1st.

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That one can do a ton of things and can expand horizons, explore, try out, win and loose. And that it is a very interesting sandbox for behavioural science, to see the soul of some individuals, once freed from everyday social constraints.
If one sticks to the “game” aspect, it is interesting on many levels.

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One does have to be careful of this. Free of the social constraints, I play a ganking pirate shenaniganist. But that isn’t my “soul.” Far from it. In fact I have to wrestle myself into that role. Why? Because it’s something that I’m internally not. It’s pushing myself into a kind of role play acting.

Outside the game, I wouldn’t ever consider for a moment the shenanigans I get into in game.

The direction of development has reduced, rather than increased, reasons for people to undock.

The game thrives on people being in space and when they can’t bring themselves to undock, then they also have little reason to login.

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Why are you pushing yourself? A “Harvey Weinstein” moment? That is not pixels, that is another human being on the other side of the tcp connection.

Don’t try that “it is only fiction” bs on me, while you enjoy doing what you do. You know exactly what you are doing.

The most important issues in EvE
Are how many whales it takes to keep the lights on. The numbers are getting dismal.

And that response right there is exactly why one must be careful.

Arm chair counseling and trying to push psychological conditioning on people here can result in a ban.

Tread lightly…