The Obsolescence of Subcapitals

Thank you for cross-posting, and shining a light on the 2011 dev blog; this is excellent. Perhaps this is the time to try again, while CCP is in the mood for shake ups, like local chat in null. Reposting myself from Aug '18:

Subcap roams happen, but not as often as they could because they are so easily countered. My comment in the nullsec thread references this 2011 dev blog, when the pendulum last swung against capitals, vs subs.

Also ties with this comment by Ripard Teg / Jestertrek:

CCP refers to titans and supercarriers as “aspirational ships”, like they’re the automatic and required end state goal of every EVE player. But EVE is a sandbox and I just don’t care about that corner of it. As CCP increasingly requires such aspirational ships to succeed at EVE, I become less interested in EVE itself.