About us:
We are currently the leading English speaking community in Caldari Factional Warfare, active across EU and US timezones. We have a range of players from very experienced factional warfare veterans to new players.
Who we are looking for:
We are looking for players who enjoy making a difference playing an active role within a small fleet.
Experienced players. new players, alts and alpha accounts welcome! Positive attitude required.
Why factional warfare:
Factional warfare provides a great source of income to new players, and most importantly provides a reason to fight. Despite neglect from CCP, FW space is still the best area in Eve for small gang fights. Black Rise is one of the most active PVP regions in EVE.
What we provide:
Active community with daily small gang fleets
Low tax customs offices
Citadel access
Factional warfare LP buyback
Logistical help getting to the warzone
New player guidance
Public channel - The Pannion Domin Public - Come hang out and get to know us!
Our AUTZ is our softest timezone atm - although it has been growing with some new Aussies and our late night US guys who don’t sleep much or our early morning Russian bros.