The White Papers Initiative

I am so happy you will pick the best.


Go start your Initiative if you think you can do it better.

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Well…someone has thin skin…

Your idea seems to want to create a sort of sub-csm. Redundant.


Everyone knows lobby groups that are hand picked by someone with an unknown adgenda are totally for the benefit of everyone

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Your biggest issue is that in a game that comprises X number of hundreds of thousands of unique players, only a fraction of a percent take much of an active position, outside playing the game.

The knowledge on a number of topics is locked away in the vast majority of players that silently adapt to changes without being vocal in their views.

That eliminates >99% of the player base from your ability to identify the most knowledgeable to be members of your focus groups and the members will just be the same people it’s always been.

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Because for the longest time, it hasn’t been worth sharing them. The only methods of discourse are locked away in a private group or out in the open where the trolls and shills live. Go on the /r/eve discord server and see how far you get advocating for your viewpoints and problems that you see. So for someone who has an opinion and who wants to learn about other viewpoints then there is no viable option. There is a very vocal minority in those who advocate for lowsec, wormhole and small group life but it gets quickly drowned out. This Initiative is for people who have something to say and will finally have a place to say it.

And that’s a view of the World that is going to be a massive barrier to your initiative.

Good luck with it, but I know that the guys I play with that are super knowledgeable in specfic areas of the game will never even think about getting more involved. They just play the game and live their life. They aren’t interested in doing more than that for EVE, in big part because of what you just mentioned.

What you’ve outlined is a stereotype that will be impossible for you to overcome I think.


I can’t do anything for people who don’t want to get involved. That’s their decision. But for those who want to educate others on their experiences in Eve and how developments affect them, then this is for them. I’m going to do my very best to keep the destructive and trolls out and I have many years of experience in dealing with the toxic side.

Yeah sure, but then you need to accept that your groups will just be the same people they’ve always been, because there is only a small fraction of a percent of the community that will get involved.

You’ll never reach a Utopia in which you have groups filled with the most knowledgeable people on different subjects. You’ll always only ever reach a situation where the groups are the most knowledgable within the very small subset that are vocal.

We’ve seen from other groups that even the most knowledgeable on subjects within the vocal group, still often fall short of any substantial experience on specific issues, especially compared to some of the people in the broader community that really possess insight.

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I’ve signed up. Count me in.

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I shall also be running for CSM again.


Wonderful effort there eve bro but the only feedback that matters is the one you make with your wallet.
And even that apparently has limitations.

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Hell, go to the CSM Discord server and see how fast anything not championed by one of the CSM gets shouted down by the hangers on.

In fact the whole CSM setup fosters a homogeneous point of view that CCP may even think represents the player consensus. Not through any deliberate or malicious intent, but through repeatedly electing the same people from the same blocks.

And now people do not want to get involved because of the toxic behavior seen on here and no commitment to actually enforcing the community standards.

That’s the whole point of pulling in those that don’t have a gigantic bloc behind them, that only pay lip service to representation outside of their bloc without understanding any of it.

I will be definitely enforcing the standards. We don’t let trolls run wild on the TiS discord and it sure won’t be on the White Paper discord. That’s why there is an application process, because you aren’t going to be a toxic shill and try to get it in.

Removed some off topic posts. Knock it off please.


Aurora banned a few for good order?

And what defines a troll.
I’ve been accused of being a troll by some people on these forums because I call them out on their bad ideas. Does that make me a troll? Who decides what does? What about someone who is tired of the 100th time this year a bad idea is posted and just derides the OP. Are they actually a troll or just tired of stupidity.

While these forums may have a lot of trolling, I think you will find almost no one is actually a troll outright, just tired of posts for One reason or another.

In short, your posting sounds like you are selling yourself as an amazing white knight by creating a fear of ‘trolls’ And by doing so, it makes it seem like you are pushing your own agenda. You haven’t even started to define how you judge who has value, let alone how to turn a bunch of opinions into a workable idea.


Just an outside observation (being new and not having much of a clue just yet). Folks who go “people who disagree with me are trolls” are the worst kind of folks, they should never be put in any position of “power” or representation, ever.


I see I nailed it on the first response. Behavior since then proves my point.


The only thing that people are given in this game is a pod. Everything else has to be earned.

I have been extremely involved in groups all over New Eden from CCP devs to F1 line members. My job as a producer for both the Meta Show and Talking in Stations is to find interesting and relevant stories and bring the best people on to talk about them. That’s my resume.

This isn’t about any power. I don’t represent any alliance or corporation so if there is any clique, I’m outside of it by default. My interest, and one I’ve reiterated throughout my forum post, is to make Eve as best is it can be.