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Ragnarok sold

Vendetta in MJ-5F9 - B E A N S T A R Sold

Bunch of Stuff in Jita 4-4 asking price 530b sold

any questions write me

I’ll start you out at 140 on the Hophib Rag

145 Rag offer

Apprentice the offer Electric Worry and Charles DupontII but the Ragnarok has been sold.

Thank you for letting me know. Is it possible to move that Detta to a low sec npc and are you open to selling the hul by itself?

not possible since i dont move my stuff :slight_smile: and only selling hull + rigs right now

Thank you for the reply, the rigs aren’t a problem but the station is a bridge too far for me I’m afraid. GL on the sale.

bump expensive stuff still to have :slight_smile: Ragnarok and Vendetta are sold :slight_smile:






all stuff has been sold thread can be closed

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