Time to EvE Online 2?

TiDi solves lags, unresponsiveness and unplayability. Up to a certain point: max TiDi.

Once the amount of server calls is high enough to cross that threshold, the solution of TiDi isn’t enough to keep the game playable, and we get issues that would have appeared much earlier if TiDi didn’t exist.

TiDi is a solution, but it is not powerful enough to let a server handle any number of players in a single system.

People say they dislike TiDi, but it’s actually the unresponsiveness and unplayable servers that they dislike. TiDi is just always present in those cases to reduce the burden on the servers.

I personally don’t like fighting in TiDi as everything takes too long then. But it would be bearable if I knew commands were coming through eventually. It’s the server issues that I have a problem with in those TiDi fights.

Yes which doesn’t work for structure battles, why on earth would you need to hold nodes in a different system to be allowed to shoot at a structure?

Literally makes no sense, but you’re dead set on suggesting this so i’m going to drop it here, its never happening

And even if you were to hold nodes in a different system, you would still need to physically shoot the structure to destroy it, which steal means a massive battle which still means TiDi

You are correct, i ignored the part that made literally no sense because there is literally no reason why you would need to attack something in an entirely different system in order to destroy a structure in another, you’re not fighting for control of something you’re fighting to destroy it entirely, hence everything needs to happen in the system with the structure in question

Can’t say i’ve noticed any issue, but the “lag” you’re talking about is more to do with FPS than actual lag, there is a reason they added an option to disabling 3D rendering for people in massive fleet battles on lower specced machines

But either way you’re free to request what you like but ultimately i don’t see it ever happening

Yes, of course it does. Ihubs and TCUs are structures. You don’t shoot them anymore either. For all I care, you could make these nodes oldstyle SBUs that you have to shoot or repair and in the end you get on the KM if the KS dies. Until a time when CCP has found a way to put the entire server population in a single system without the server buckling under the load, KS fights ought to be abolished in favor of better, more enjoyable and less issue-prone gameplay.

May I introduce you to the concept of FozziSov? You argument holds no water.

Yes, and? Who says you have to shoot that thing? You can still shoot Fortizars and other things that do not cause massive issues normally. But the single object that always causes the same issues if it’s of some relevance ought to be treated differently so that people can have a more enjoyable experience instead of the currently available mess.

It is definitely not about FPS. It is the server not being able to handle the calculations. I had instances yesterday in which I started locking 10 targets and none made it through the locking process. I had instances where targets got locked but weapons never activated even though. I had instances where I got a weapon timer without a weapon activating. I had instances where weapons kept cycling even though I had red-cycled them a few cycles earlier. I had instances where weapon buttons did not visually click at all and just got stuck. And so on and so forth. FPS lag has nothing to do with what I am talking about. Another instance where you try to misunderstand something.

Here we go again.
I would have liked your post if it would be an open letter to CCP.
But it is not.

A long way away yet at the very soonest 5 years but by 2030 if mmo games are still spinning a profit I’d expect eve 2.0 to be out by then if scam citizen has not cornered the market.

CCP is definitely dropping another game out of the London office before eve 2.0 however & there is also dust 2.0 to drop soon which is gonna have to go head to toe against scam citizens crapfest shooter owing to slow dev time. My money is on ccp rising above the waves caused by scam citizens mmo belly flop of pain.

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At this point its more like Dust 4.0 and i would still not expect it to be any good, and the shooter market is already saturated with decent F2P options, so its either going to be aimed at all and be generally ignored due to being generic or it will cater to people with a solid understanding of EVE and just end up being something only EVE players use which negates its purpose in the first place

Without full integration into eve it’ll flop hard. CCP are nuts to enter shooter market, dust was like 10 years behind on launch it was akin to an early Halo online multiplayer game.

With full eve integrations ie, winning a ground war does something drastic in eve ie, titans or keep stars getting welped by ground weapons an outdated shooter could gain fans.

I wonder if a server hardware refresh would help? I might be wrong but the last update was what, 2014 ish? Would think 7 years more advanced server hardware would perform significantly better. I know though, money.

Well the last large scale upgrade was then, i would imagine they have probably already done incremental upgrades

The issue is with servers the per core performance hasn’t really improved to the point where a large scale upgrade would really matter, the server space has focussed more on adding more cores per CPU, which isn’t something that is going to help EVE much

There would be a performance gain from swapping everything over to Epyc etc but probably not enough of an uplift to justify the cost, the “everest” nodes have probably seen some upgrades over the years though

Would be nice to get a CCP tech guy to let us know, but its probably unlikely they have been running the same hardware for the last 7 years

If only because finding new replacement hardware for 7 year old tech would have been more complicated

Actually that’s partially correct, if it’s network related, if it’s server issues then it’s time for better software and better hardware.
Or… All three

Unpopular Opinion, but there is an EVE 2. Just not a PC version. Echoes.

TiDi is just straight up server load, due to the mostly threaded nature of combat things have to be processed in a specific order, eventually the amount of stuff being done just exceeds the number crunching the node can do in real time so it just slows down the simulation so every calculation still fits within a single server tick, which is normally 1 second of real time

More beefy single core performance would likely help but all that does is raise the amount of calculations that can be done slightly, and we would stil lend up with the extra grunt being used to allow more people in to the system at a time which just results in TiDi again

It stands for time dilation, it’s a trick for making it seem like the server isn’t melting so the players can continue to try to do what they are doing.
It’s sort of like when you fall off a cliff and instead of it taking ten seconds to go smack you have an hour to think about what going smack means to you. In real life this happens because when you are about to die your brain goes into overdrive, in a game it happens because the people running the servers didn’t know that vast numbers of people were suddenly going to become lemmings and dive off the cliff so they build in time dilation to accommodate things they can’t do anything about.
Basically everything on the players end slows way down.
There are bad things about this like not knowing if you actually launched something, but good things as well because you can sit there and think about what you are going to do next.

Even with lots of single cores they would all have to communicate with each other though right?
Wouldn’t vast numbers of multicores, like the way GPUs are set up work better? That (and I’m guessing here) would give them the space and time to do the calculations on what everything was doing in relation to everything else.
As I understand it timedilation is built in to extend server ticks…

Ohhh, wait, I think I see: “due to the mostly threaded nature of combat”.

Ok, so… I don’t know how to ask this other than why single core processors? Raw speed?

A WHOLE NEW game…? Because 2600 pilots duking it out in one system isn’t enough for some FC’s and their greedy corporations?

So what exactly is a good number? 5000? Suppose CCP manages that. Then we’ll have some FC’s trying to field 10,000 pilots. Then what? Time for EVE 3.0 ?

When something doesn’t work out for a player and he comes whining in the forum, the popular replies revolve around Adapt or Quit

This is my reply to your thread, @Capt_Clauso : Adapt or Quit

I just think its wierd that with so many thousands allegedly taking part, they are often mysteriously quiet when, if 1% came to any platform and all said “Change X Y or Z” they couldnt possibly be missed.

Maybe they are just shy.


I’ve tried it, it’s incompatible with three tablets I have access to, and on a friend of mines rather large and very fast phone it was too small to play.
What I have managed to see of it felt nothing like Eve even if space and some of the stuff in it did look great. Echos, from what I have seen is very much not Eve…
I was kind of hoping it would be good, then I could spend all day on my computer, and then take my tablet to bed and never get any sleep again.
I also thought there would be something like a gate or wormhole between Eve and Echos, and there’s not, and that just kind of sucks.
No great loss to me though, I can’t stand touchscreens.

You’re playing EVE2 right now.

What is needed is EVE classic.

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